Offline tutor Kaushal Bhambri School of Open Learning, University of Delhi, Sriganganagar, India, Atomic And Nuclear Physics Electricity and Magnetism Light and Optics Mechanics Nuclear Physics Oscillations Mechanical Waves Solid State Thermodynamics tutoring
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Sciences's Tutor
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Last Active: May 10,2024
Who am I?

I have completed my B.A. and M.S. in the field of physics from University of Delhi, which is one of the most premiere institutions of India. From my graduation days, I am very passionate about tutoring physics to the students. I have 4+ years of experience of tutoring the core subjects of physics like mechanics, nuclear physics, quantum physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics. While tutoring my focus is on both concepts building and problem solving skills among students.

What interests me?

Beside tutoring which is my passion, I also like to read books, blogs and do programming also.

Masters (MS), Physics
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
British Indian Ocean Territory
2016 - 2018
Bachelors (BS), Physics
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
British Indian Ocean Territory
2013 - 2016