BBA, Management & Economics
4,273 Jobs

Taking care of the smaller details in life has a larger impact in our general well being, and that is what i believe in. My name is Carol....

BS, Computer Science
171 Jobs

I am a computer scientist specializing in database management, OS, networking, and software development. I have a knack for database work,...

Masters, Philosophy Of Education
50 Jobs

As an educator I have had the opportunity to work with students of all ages and backgrounds. Throughout my career, I have developed a teaching...

Bachelors, Mathematics
278 Jobs

I have vast knowledge in the field of Mathematics, Business Management and Marketing. Besides, I have been teaching on the topics Management...

22 Jobs

As an online tutor with over seven years of experience and a PhD in Education, I have had the opportunity to work with a wide range of students...

Associate, Electrical Engineering
38 Jobs

Very Versatile especially in expressing Ideas in writings. Passionate on my technical knowledge delivery. Able to multitask and able to...

Bachelors, Commerce
157 Jobs

I am honest,hardworking, and determined writer

Bachelors, Applied Accounting
83 Jobs

Experienced Finance Guru have a full grip on various sectors, i.e Media, Insurance, Automobile, Rice and other Financial Services. Have also...

MBA, Finance
86 Jobs

I have done MS finance and expertise in the field of Accounting, finance, cost accounting, security analysis and portfolio management and...

Bachelors, Commerece
4 Jobs

I have extensive experience in freelancing. I have vast experience in tutoring students from various countries such as Japan, UK, USA, China,...

Bachelors, Arts
1 Jobs

I am a professional Assignments ,Thesis , Essay, Dissertation, Projects, and Research writer. I write on, history , religious studies,...

Masters, MAF
530 Jobs

I have a first class Accounting and Finance degree from a top university in the World. With 5+ years experience which spans mainly from the not...

Bachelors (BS), Business Administration
1 Jobs

Hi! I am Raffay. I am twenty two years old. I did my matriculation with a major in science. Then I completed my college studies majoring in...

Bachelors (BA), English Education...
No job done

I'm not your average tutor. I'm your personal learning accelerant, here to ignite your understanding and propel you towards academic...

Bachelors (BS), B. Com
No job done

I tutored mostly elementary school students privately after school and during the summer. We met in their homes or at the public library. I...

Bachelors (BS), Actuarial Science
No job done

Tutoring Experience: One of the most rewarding aspects of my educational journey has been the opportunity to share my knowledge and expertise...

Bachelors (BA), Bachelor Of Education...
No job done


Masters, Business Administration
No job done

I am a consultant with leading industry brands in India and at the same time I also have been helping students across the globe with their...

Bachelors, Human Resource Management
1 Jobs

Welcome to my profile! As a seasoned freelance academic writer with seven years of exceptional experience, I take great pride in my ability to...

MBA, Master Of Business Administration
No job done

I'm a proficient writer and problem solver with at least 10 years experience. I handle all kinds of assignments across all fields including...

Bachelors (BS), Bachelor Of Science In...
No job done

As a tutor, my hands-on experience and proficiency have been honed through years of dedicated teaching and mentorship. I have actively engaged...

Bachelors (BS), Information Technology
No job done

As a research writer, my passion for knowledge and learning fuels my dedication to delivering well-researched and well-articulated content. I...

Bachelors (BS), Bachelors In Electrical...
1 Jobs

Since the day I graduated I have been involved some way or the other with academic activities related to writing. this helped me understand that...

Masters, Management
No job done

With my Corporate experience in Accounting, Administration, Supply and Logistics as well my actual experience as an Entrepreneur, managing...

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