Bachelors (BA), Urban And Regional...
No job done

My experiences as both a student and a tutor have provided me with a unique perspective on the power of personalized education. As a student in...

Bachelors, Agricultural Sciences
No job done

I have 4 years of teaching experience online. I have worked on multiple tutoring websites. I have also teach offline as well.

Bachelors (BA), Disaster Management
No job done

I have worked with both teachers and students to offer specialized help with everything from grammar and vocabulary to challenging...

No job done

Educational Background: My deep dive into the world of geography began with a Bachelor of Arts in Geography completed in 2019. This instilled a...

M. Sc In Geology, MS
No job done

Through my time in tutoring, I have learnt that not only you have to be good at explaining what you are teaching but also at giving...

Bachelors (BS), Economic And Finance
No job done

Provided one-on-one and small group instruction to high school students in mathematics, resulting in an average improvement and I have also...

Bachelors, Bachelors Of Science
No job done

I am currently Masters in chemistry and have done Bachelors of education from University of kashmir. I have been tutoring in various reputed...

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