Masters (MS), Secondary Education
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I have been working in the education and tutoring field for the past five years, and have gained a wealth of experience and knowledge in this...

No job done

Am a hardworking,ready to learn be corrected where necessary,, I volunteer to help where I can without any supervision

Bachelors, Bed Arts
No job done

I am a self motivated financial professional knowledgeable in; preparation of financial reports, reconciling and managing accounts, maintaining...

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I am passionate about creating engaging content that informs, entertains, and inspires readers. With a strong command of language and a deep...

1 Jobs

I am an exceptional tutor, gifted and dedicated to giving fantastic work. I will professionally manage your tasks because I have extensive...

Bachelors, Bachelor In Basic Science...
No job done

Highschool life embedded me to a strong professional foundation since i served as a school president for 2 years,and by these I acquired a...

Bachelors, Bachelor Of Arts
No job done

Am a well experienced teacher ,,I have done some writing at some points and also am free lancer

Bachelors (BS), Geospatial Information...
No job done

Education: - Bachelor's Degree in English Literature: Completed a four-year program at XYZ University, specializing in English Literature....

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