Bachelors, Science
No job done

I am a professional teaching in different Colleges and university to solved the Assignments and Project . I am Working more then 3 year Online...

Bachelors (BS), Information Security...
No job done

I have worked with various writing companies for the past three years results being A score for students' work I touched.

Bachelors (BS), Information Technology...
No job done

Hello, i'm yohannes abrha graduating from mekelle institute of technology in information technology engineering with CGPA-3.86 out of 4 and i...

Bachelors, Technology
No job done

Being a software developer full-time, I've been using algorithms and techniques whiich I've learned when I was student,in the real world...

Bachelors, Science
No job done

Teaching my kids and students ( though I am not a teacher by profession) around me and helping them in easily comprehend the subjects; though...

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