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Expertise in Subject Matter: Proficiency and knowledge in the subject being taught is essential for effective teaching and tutoring. This...

Bachelors, Bachelor Of Science In...
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As an experienced (5 years) academic writer with a passion for crafting high-quality content, I am excited to expand my reach and work with...

Bachelors (BS), Business Administration
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I have studied studied Bachelor of business management in Maseno University in Kenya and I believe I can make a very good tutor since I am...

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I have been a tutor for many years, and I have also been a teacher. I have tutored people of all ages, from young children to adults. I have...

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I did my bachelors degree in statistic's because i like dealing with figures. i have alot of experience in math's field since graduating earlier...

Bachelors (BS), Bachelor Of Science In...
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I have a tutoring experience of 1 and 1/2 year with best skills ever

Bachelors, Economics
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Having a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Jomo Kenyatta University and two years of tutoring experience, I have acquired a solid academic...

Masters, Master Of Commerce
No job done

Over the past three years, I've honed my tutoring expertise and I can provide insights into the capabilities of tutoring. My proficiency lies in...

Bachelors, Bachelor Of Science In...
No job done

I am well skilled writer of research projects, proposals reports. Data analysis, and interpretation using statistical software's like SPSS, R...

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