Bachelors, Engineering
No job done

I have cracked various exams of aptitude reasoning english and I like teaching I make learning fun viz. we humans can retain something newly...

Bachelors (BS), Mathematics
No job done

I have worked as a Subject Matter Expert in Advanced mathematics for an educational organization where I used to solve doubts online.

Bachelors, Mechanical
No job done

Hello everyone , My name is Deepak Kalal. I have cleared IIT JEE Exam , i.e. in to 1% of all the candidates all over India in 2011.I have done...

MBA, Management Commerce Economics
No job done

As per my professional aspect as I earlier told you that I have 8 years work experience as a lecturer a teacher in different different...

Masters (MS), Science
No job done

I Farhan Ansari, I have completed graduation and post graduation from AMU and currently I am doing PhD in statistics.When I started my...

Bachelors (BS), Secondary Education
No job done

As a tutor, I have gained extensive hands-on experience helping students understand a wide range of subjects, including math, science, and...

Post-bachelor, Btech
No job done

3 yr experience of online tutoring through various platforms

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