BBA, Management & Economics
4,273 Jobs

Taking care of the smaller details in life has a larger impact in our general well being, and that is what i believe in. My name is Carol....

BS, Business Management
2,898 Jobs

I am a self motivated financial professional knowledgeable in; preparation of financial reports, reconciling and managing accounts, maintaining...

BA, Psychology
2,555 Jobs

I posses Vast, diversified knowledge and excellent grammar as a result of working in ACADEMIC WRITING for more than 5 years. I deliver work in...

Masters (MA), International Relations
432 Jobs

Previously, I have worked as an accounting scholar at acemyhomework, and have been tutoring busines students in various subjects, mostly...

Bachelors, Commerce (marketing)
17 Jobs

I possess a Bachelors of Commerce degree(Marketing option) and am currently undertaking an MBA in marketing. I believe that I possess the...

Masters, Management (Engineering)
1 Jobs

I am an electrical engineer with Master in Management (Engineering). I have been teaching for more than 10years and still helping a a lot of...

Bachelors (BA), BA (Social Work)
63 Jobs

I have worked with different academic writing companies such as wriredom, writerbay, and Upwork. While working with these companies, I have...

Associate, Electrical And Electronics...
27 Jobs

I am a professional tutor with more than six years of experience. I have helped thousands of students to achieve their academic goals. My...

Bachelors, Science
335 Jobs

If you are looking for exceptional academic and non-academic work feel free to consider my expertise and you will not regret. I have enough...

Bachelors, Commerce
157 Jobs

I am honest,hardworking, and determined writer

Masters, Accounting And Finance
4 Jobs

I am well versed in communicating and teaching in areas of all business subjects. I have helped many students in different ways from answering...

Bachelors (BA), BBA
156 Jobs

I am from Accounting Background. I have great academic background and I can help students a lot.

Bachelors, Commerce
73 Jobs

A quality-driven writer with special technical skills and vast experience in various disciplines. A plagiarism-free paper and impeccable quality...

MBA, Finance
86 Jobs

I have done MS finance and expertise in the field of Accounting, finance, cost accounting, security analysis and portfolio management and...

MBA, Finance
15 Jobs

My passion to become a tutor is a lifetime milestone. Being a finance and marketing professional with hands-on experience in wealth management,...

Masters, MBA(Management Information...
1 Jobs

In my extensive history of working on students’ assignments, I have learned one thing: Each assignment must be custom-made and should stand on...

MBA, Business Administration
No job done

I am working as a lecturer in a college. I am also working as subject matter expert with Chegg and freelancing as academic writer with...

Bachelors (BS), Electrical &...
No job done

I completed by bachelors from IIT Guwahati and currently pursuing my mba.

Bachelors, Human Resource Management
1 Jobs

Welcome to my profile! As a seasoned freelance academic writer with seven years of exceptional experience, I take great pride in my ability to...

Bachelors (BS), Bachelors In Electrical...
1 Jobs

Since the day I graduated I have been involved some way or the other with academic activities related to writing. this helped me understand that...

Bachelors (BA), Arts
No job done

I like to make learning fun and help students get their projects done as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Masters, Business Administration
No job done

I am a consultant with leading industry brands in India and at the same time I also have been helping students across the globe with their...

No job done

I learn every day during teaching to my students. When students get good marks and come to me with a smile, it gives me great satisfaction. I...

Masters (MA), Economics And Management
No job done

I have done PG in Economics and Finance. I have been tutoring and mentoring students for over 7 years.

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