Bachelors, Bachelor Of Technology
No job done

As a tutor, I excel in tailoring my approach to each individual student's needs, whether that means breaking down complex concepts into...

Bachelors, Mechanical Engineering
No job done

Complete Bachelor of Engineering in2023. I work in Chegg, Bartley and Course Hero.

Bachelors, B.E. In Mechanical...
No job done

I tutored mostly engineering students privately after college and during the summer. We met in their homes or at the public library. I charged...

No job done

As B.Tech graduate with 3 years of online tutoring experience, I have a deep understanding of the importance of education and the role that...

Bachelors, B.Tech
No job done

This is Piyush Prasad completed my in Civil Engineering and currently pursuing my Masters degree in Infrastructure Engineering. I am...

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