Bachelors, Bachelor Of Technology
No job done

I am a seasoned Software Engineer with a BTech in Computer Science and Technology, dedicated to empowering students through education. With...

Bachelors, Bachelor Of Technology...
No job done

I am an upto to detail tutor and love making students learn

Bachelors (BS), Information Technology
No job done

I have experience of more than 10 years in tutoring of Computer science , Mathematics, Physics and more. I Provide Smart, Efficient and Secure...

Bachelors (BS), Information System
No job done

As a College Lecturer in Computer Science at Marinduque College, I have hands-on experience in tutoring and teaching students in computer...

Bachelors (BS), Computer Science
No job done

My name is Lakshmunaidu, and I have recently earned a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science & Engineering. Currently, I work as a Full Stack...

Masters, MCA
No job done

Education has been a significant part of my life, as I believe that learning is a continuous process that should never stop. I am currently...

Bachelors (BS), Computer Science
No job done

I am a national merit scholar with almost a decade of tutoring experience. I hold a Bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of...

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