Masters (MA), Masters In English...
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Hello dear students my self ruqaya from the beautiful state of India Jammu and Kashmir.I recently completed my masters in English literature...

Bachelors (BS), Education
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Tutoring offers systematic, structured learning experience in a more individualised also improves tutees self-esteem altitude towards...

Bachelors (BS), Applied Statistics
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I have extensive tutoring experience, having worked as a private tutor for over three years. I have tutored students from different academic...

Bachelors, BAE
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As a consequence of more than three years of experience in ACADEMIC WRITING, I have vast, diverse knowledge and impeccable grammar. I guarantee...

MBA, Master Of Business Administration
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As a mentor, I have broad active experience and an elevated degree of capability in training and coaching across different subjects. With a...

Bachelors, Commerce
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My education is good as far as I know my current learnings in writing, copy writing ,blog writing, mathematics, and in history of America and I...

Bachelors, Bachelors Of Elementary...
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Professionally, I am a teacher with years of experience tutoring math and science, as well as teaching in both public schools and independent...

Bachelors, Physics
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Graduated in BSC physics from Calicut University. Teaching is my passion and communicating with students as a friend is what I am aiming to...

Associate, Using Educational Technology...
No job done

I have been working as an online tutor on multiple platforms like Chegg and Course Hero for three years. If you wish to see my portfolio, just...

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