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How Students Can Deal With Terrible Mental Health Challenges in 2023

Mental health problems in high school and college students have been increasing consistently for the last few years, and credit goes to the rapidly upsurging educational expenses. According to a 2023 report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on youth risk behavior, almost 57% of high school students were found constantly feeling sad or hopeless, and nearly 30% said they have seriously considered committing suicide. It is the need of the hour to educate students, parents, and teachers about mental health. In this article, we have provided the information everyone must have about mental health for students; the most common mental health problems, and the proven ways to tackle stress, depression, and suicidal intentions.      

What is Mental Health?

The term mental health is often misinterpreted as the absence of mental disorders or illness is not mental health. World Health Organization (WHO) describes mental health as a state of well-being that enables you to tackle stress and have an optimistic approach towards your work and life and positively contribute to your community.   

Importance of Mental Health for Students

Mental health is a great concern for students because those who have strong mental health can perform better in their studies while realizing their abilities and potential. On the other hand, students with poor mental health lack in building relationships, making rational decisions, and collaborating with their fellows. Educational institutions should also consider students’ mental health and offer programs for their well-being aiming to streamline their learning and make them achieve academic success.

mental health for students

Most Common Mental Health Problems College Students Face

Depression and stress are the most common mental health problems students from all across the world, and especially from the United States face. Other than that, the pressure to perform well, and keep up with assignments are the factors that don’t allow them to relax. The situation goes bitter when they have to pay for their tuition fee, textbooks, and other education expenses. A number of students borrow money or get financial support to pay for their dues. 

Understanding the financial challenges faced by American students, SolutionInn started its free textbook campaign letting college students get their required textbooks free. They do not need to pay for the book or its shipment. In addition, they get free access to an immense book and study guide resource for a trial period. The education support service company also provides free career guides and self-development tips to avail excellent opportunities and pursue the highest-paying careers.    


If you are persistently feeling down and downhearted and don’t want to get involved in enjoyable activities, this condition is termed depression. Depression is a common mental health problem among college students in the United States. People experiencing depression may also experience loss of appetite, disturbed sleep, headaches, or body ache. A 2021 Healthy Mind Study found 22% of college students experiencing major depression and 41% of students were found experiencing depression overall.  


Anxiety can be explained as an ongoing feeling of tension and panic potentially enough to disturb your daily life. The most common symptoms of anxiety include feeling restless, irritated, numb, sweaty, or dizzy. A person experiencing anxiety is also likely to experience difficulty breathing, headaches, stomachache, diarrhea, and muscle pain.  

Suicidal Thoughts

This is a rare but alarming mental health problem leading the victim to commit suicide. The health care professionals consider this situation a mental health emergency. A Harvard Medical School study in 2018 found that 1 in 5 American college students experienced suicidal thoughts. However, in the 2021 study, almost 5% of students reported having suicidal thoughts in the past year. If you or anyone in your surroundings experiences such a condition, immediately contact mental healthcare providers or suicidal prevention resources. 

Mental Health Games and Activities for Students

The high school, college, and university administrations should organize mental health games and activities for students for improved mental health. Teachers should also be provided training, so they could identify students experiencing the most common mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal intentions. If they notice an unusual and negative change in a student’s performance or behavior, they should talk to their students to enquire and ensure the provision of support their students require to tackle the mental health challenges. 

mental health for students

Mental Health Checklist for College Students

To combat stress and enjoy great mental health, you need to stay physically healthy. Here’s a mental health checklist for college students that can help them improve their physical and mental health. 

Healthy Eating

Stress and depression lead to unusual eating habits negatively affecting your physical health. Healthy eating that involves fruits, vegetables, proteins, fiber, and low-fat dairy helps you kick out stress. Avoid taking unhealthy foods with added sugars, salts, and extra fats. 

Get Enough Sleep

You must take a nap for at least eight continuous hours to start your day with a fresh mind. If you do not get enough sleep, you are more likely to feel irritated, aggressive, or numb. 

Participate in Physical Activities or Games

The more you keep your mind busy the less likely you are to have mental health problems like stress and anxiety. College and school administrations should also initiate mental health games and activities for students to help them eliminate stress.

Avoid Tobacco and Substance

People with anxiety and depression are most likely to smoke and use substances. There is no secret how dangerous tobacco products, smoking, and substances are for mental and physical health. On the other hand, if you are a smoker, quitting smoking would be a great idea for a healthier life. You can consult with your healthcare provider to quit smoking successfully. 

Reach Out for Mental Health Support

Sometimes, all you need to release your stress is to talk to your loved ones. Take out time to meet your parents, friends, and family members, or reach out to communities that provide support to combat stress. Taking a short break from your hectic work routine, traveling, and exploring nature also freshen up your mind. 

Set an Appointment with Healthcare Provider

If you are consistently feeling anxious or emotionally disturbed, and the above hacks are not bringing you back to life, see your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Hope this article would help you learn about mental health for students and the effective ways to combat common mental health challenges. Look for the symptoms in yourself and your fellows to prevent them from taking a serious step like suicide. 

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Rabia Kanwal

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