2- What images in Owen, Yeats, Jarrell and Shuson best capture the sense of despair and rage felt by the poets? Address each poem (6.7 and 6.9).
What musical compositions expressed the aesthetic of surrealism and how?
After having freed the slaves in 1794, why did Napoleon wish to re-institute slavery in the West Indies in 1801?
What did beliefs about God and Satan have to do with the witch crazes of seventeenth century, one of which was the Salem witch Trials? What changed to bring about an end to witch trials all over the...
Explain:"existence precedes essence" "existential anguish" and 'bad faith" in Sartre's writings.(pages 70-71). What does Sartre mean when he states "That man is condemned to be free"(pg.71 lines...
In what ways did the choreography of Merce Cunningham (p.88-89) break with that of such predecessor as Martha Graham (24-25)?
In what way could African slaves maintain a degree of control over their situation as salves and their being forced to live a foreign culture?
What were the three historical factors in the twentieth century contributing to the world's loss of confidence in the West, and why did they result in a loss of confidence in Western systems and...
What caused Spain's and Portugal's diminished sea power in the seventeenth century? Why did this cause diminished sea power?
The English established the British East India Company with sloe intent of trading, yet they were eventually drawn into the competition to amass an army. What prompted the British to become...
How can you link "The Response of Slaves" to "Anti-Slavery and French Revolution"? What was the response of slaves? What effect might "Response" have on the slave rebellion in Saint Domingue?
Make It New--Explain the idea and the movement of Futurism in Umberto Boccioni's Unigue Forms of Continuity in Space and Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase (fig. 32.9 and 32.11).
What were the aims of the surrealists, as defined by Breton in the first "Surrealist Manifesto"?
The Freudian Revolution. Read 6.3 Civilizations of Discontents. What according to Freud are some of civilization's discontents?
Which of the Surrealist artists "speak" to your own subconscious life most directly and why? Could it be Picasso-Dali-Magritte-Miro-Kahlo?
Read the excerpt (6.8) from All Quiet on the Western Front>. Would this novel be equally as effective if it were written in the past tense?
What did owners hope to achieve in forming baseball's National league? What practices did they wish to curb?
Surrealism is a movement devoted to expressing in the conscious life, the workings of the unconscious mind. There are no rational controls on words or images.
Please watch the film: Les Demoiselles D'Davignon (front page of site). Write a summary and a reaction (two seperate paragraphs) .Include the influences at work on Picasso's art work.(Read pp.5-10 of...
Explain the term "proto-industrialization."?
Which non-objective piece is your favorite? Panel for Edwin Campbell (fig.32.16) or Malevich's Suprematist Composition (fig.32.17), or the Mondrian offerings (figs. 32.18 & 32.19).
Why was Turkey an important ally to Germany in World War II?
What problem with rubber had to be overcome before it could be widely used? Whose inventions helped to overcome these problems?
Now watch the film on Rothko. Your reaction paper to the film will include the following:
Why was employment as domestic servants highly satisfactory for Irish immigrants to the United States in the 1840s and 1850s?
Why would the printing press have contributed so heavily to ending the Region of secrecy? What other effects did the printing press have during this period?
What did the architecture in the late 20th century represent and reflect?
Listen to Copeland's Appalachian Spring #9 CD#2. Why would his music written during WWII have such great appeal? How did it compare to European music at the same time?