Natalie Sisson bills herself as the "Suitcase Entrepreneur," and she's living proof that one can live an adventurous life and build a thriving business-she has been traveling the world since she left her native New Zealand in 2006. She offers business and social media coaching, and she recently compiled her social media advice in a PDF e-book, The Entrepreneur's Social Media Workout. Sisson has been offering her social media e-book for free to anyone who subscribes to her email newsletter. However, as the assistant she recently hired, you convinced her the book was valuable enough on its own to warrant a small purchase price. She decided to give it a try and set the price at $10.00, with one catch: you need to write the website copy to promote the e-book. Your task First, visit, click on Student Assignments and then Chapter 9, page 243, Case 9 to download the e-book. Then visit Sisson's website at to learn more about her business experiences. Now write webpage copy (at least 200 words but no more than 400) to promote the e-book and encourage people to place an order.