Calculate the total weighted score for each site. Which one is the best?
Stone Consolidated forecasted its total waste output over the next 25 years. It was calculated drat the required landfill would need to take up a 58-hectare area.
Stone Consolidated began, its search in a 45 X 60 km area containing tire three mills, identifying all parcels of land that were at least 58 hectares and satisfied the Quebec Ministry of Environment€™s landfill guidelines; 175 potential sites were found. This number was reduced by consulting zoning restrictions affecting each of the potential sites, excluding sites within or close to residential and commercial areas as well as those in agricultural areas, which would have required zoning modification and a public hearing at the Quebec Commission for the Protection of Agricultural Territories. Still further sites were excluded for political reasons, being in municipalities that had negative histories with landfills. Of the original 175 potential sites, 67 were still viable after this initial exclusion phase.
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Table 1 Numerical ranking system Favourable Marginally Acceptable (1) Criteria Weighting Factor (4) Acceptable (2) Tapography Natural relief and slopes Acceble relief and favourable to developmen s-not serlously Abrupt relief-difficult or complicclad dovelopment complicaled fer development Road nerwork rhrough greas ood newok through high Road occess Provincial highways bordered by few or no h ew houses dlensity population ane as Visual impoct Site not readily noliceoble Sile could be readily noticeable Sile readily noticeable to by passersby to possersby visuol screening ssby screening measures measures may be roquirecd necessary Average distance more thon 20 km Woighted ovg. distance to mills Geology and Groundwater Avarage diskance less than Averoge distance les 15 km than 20 km Moderately permeable soils Permeable soils Probably coceptable depth to Polntially unocceptable depth groundwater Drainage network at minimal Drainage network to be altered distance from the site Adjacent to egricultural soi ow permeable soils Favourable deplh to o groundwater Surface water Drainage network a fair distance from the site Forestry or industrial Site clase to residentol area Actualor land uop luw or no Minimal residential Scattered residential development Moderate to dense residenfial developmen Populltion densily Table 2 Site evalution marix St-Georges Grandes Criteria Weight de-Champlain Ste-Geneviere St Barnabe St-Mathieu St-Gerard Piles Rood acc Visual impodt Weighted avg distance o mills Geokgy ond ess Surface water Actuol or potential8 land use Popukalion density