Set up an Excel worksheet to apply formulas Using the data in the Excel file Student Grades,
Set up an Excel worksheet to apply formulas Using the data in the Excel file Student Grades, construct a scatter chart for midterm versus final exam grades and add a linear trendline. What is the regres-sion model? If a student scores 70 on the midterm, what would you predict her grade on the final exam to be? Using the data in the Excel file Weddings construct scatter charts to determine whether any linear relationship appears to exist between (1) the wedding cost and attendance, (2) the wedding cost and the value rating, and (3) the couple’s income and wedding cost only for the weddings paid for by the bride and groom. Then find the best- fitting linear regression lines using the Excel Trendline tool for each of these charts to compute the values of b0 and b1 for the data in the Excel file Home Market Value and verify that you obtain the same values.
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