29. Thilothammal et al. (A-19) designed a study to determine the efficacy of BCG (bacillus Calmette Gurin)


29. Thilothammal et al. (A-19) designed a study to determine the efficacy of BCG (bacillus Calmette Gurin) vaccine in preventing tuberculous meningitis. Among the data collected on each subject was a measure of nutritional status (actual weight expressed as a percent- age of expected weight for actual height). The following table shows the nutritional status values of the 107 cases studied.

73.3 54.6 82.4 76.5 72.2 73.6 74.0 80.5 71.0 56.8 80.6 100.0 79.6 67.9 50.4 66.0 83.0 72.3 55.7 64.1 66.3 50.9 71.0 76.5 99.6 79.3 76.9 96.0 64.8 74.0 72.6 80.7 109.0 68.6 73.8 74.0 72.7 65.9 73.3 84.4 73.2 70.0 72.8 73.6 70.0 77.4 76.4 66.3 50.5 72.0 97.5 190.0 68.1 86.4 70.0 73.0 59.7 89.6 76.9 74.6 67.7 91.9 55.0 90.9 70.5 88.2 70.5 74.0 55.5 80.0 76.9 78.1 63.4 58.8 92.5 100.0 84.0 71.4 84.6 123.7 93.7 76.9 79.6 45.6 92.5 65.6 61.3 64.5 72.7 77.5 76.9 80.2 76.9 88.7 78.1 60.6 59.0 84.7 78.2 72.4 68.3 67.5 76.9 82.6 85.4 65.7 65.9 SOURCE: Dr. N. Thilotharnmal. Used with permission.

(a) For these data compute the following descriptive measures: mean, median, mode, vari- ance, standard deviation, range, first quartile, third quartile, and IQR.

(b) Construct the following graphs for the data: histogram, frequency polygon, stem-and- leaf plot, and boxplot.

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