Practicing docs. The Health United States series published by the National Center for Health Statistics each year


Practicing docs. The Health United States series published by the National Center for Health Statistics each year tracks trends in health and health care in the United States. Table 3.11 is derived from a part of Table 104 in Health United States 2006. This table lists the number of practicing medical doctors per 10,000 residents for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia for the years 1975, 1985, 1995, 2002, 2003, and 2004.

(a) Create a stemplot of the data for 2004. Use quintuple split stem values and an axis multiplier of ×10 to create your plot. Describe the shape, central location, and spread of the data.
Students are encouraged to use statistical software to aid in manipulating and analyzing the data. Data are provided on the companion website in SPSS (HealthUnitedStates2006Table104.sav) and Excel (HealthUnitedStates2006Table104.xls) file formats.

(b) Explore the data for 1975 by using a plot similar to the one you produce in part

(a) of this exercise.

(c) Put your stemplots back to back or side by side with their axes (stems) aligned. Then, compare the results. Describe the

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