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business ethics
Questions and Answers of
Business Ethics
1. Describe a process for ethically responsible decision making.
How would each of your alternatives affect the other people you have identified as having a stake in the outcome?
What alternatives are available to you? What are the consequences of each alternative?
Who else is involved, or should be involved, in this decision? Who has a stake in the outcome?
Is this an ethical issue? What exactly are the ethical aspects involved in your decision?
What are the key facts that you should consider before making a decision, as either the person who discovered the iPod, the friend, or the judicial board member?
What would you do?Now let us change the scenario. Instead of being the person who finds the iPod, imagine that you are a friend who sits next to that person. As class begins, your friend leans over,
What would you think about as you sat there trying to decide what to do?
10. Every year, Ethisphere Magazine publishes a list of the world’s most ethical compa-nies. Go to their Web site; find and evaluate their rating methodology and criteria; and engage in an
9. During the recession of 2008–2009, many reputable companies suffered bankruptcies while others struggled to survive. Of those that did remain, some opted to reduce the size of their work forces
8. What difference, if any, exists between ethical reasons and reasons of self-interest? If a business performs a socially beneficial act in order to receive good publicity, or if it creates an
7. Construct a list of all the people who were adversely affected by the collapse of Enron. Who, among these people, would you say had their rights violated? What responsibilities, if any, did the
6. Do an Internet search on Malden Mills and research the present status of the business and Aaron Feuerstein's ownership. How much of a difference would it make if Malden Mills was a publicly traded
5. As described in this chapter, the Americans with Disabilities Act requires firms to make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. Consider such conditions as obesity, depression,
4. Review the distinction between personal morality and matters of social ethics. Can you think of cases in which some decisions would be valuable as a matter of social policy, but bad as a matter of
3. What might be some benefits and costs of acting unethically in business? Distinguish between benefits and harms to the individual and benefits and harms to the firm.
2. Why might legal rules be insufficient for fulfilling one's ethical responsibilities? Can you think of cases in which a business person has done something legally right, but ethically wrong? What
1. Other than ethical values, what values might a business manager use in reaching decisions? Are there classes in your college curriculum, other than ethics, which advise you about proper and
Were Feuerstein's actions charitable, or was this something he had a duty or obligation to do? What is the difference between acts of charity and obligatory acts?
What other options were available for Feuerstein? How would these alternatives have affected the other people involved?
Whose interests should Feuerstein consider in making this decision? How many different people were affected by the fire and the decision?
How many different values are involved in this situation? How would you describe Feuerstein, just knowing this story? How would you describe his actions after the fire? Can you describe the man and
What facts would be helpful as you make your judgments about Feuerstein?
What do you believe motivated Feuerstein? What do you think of Feuerstein's decision? What would you have done had you been in his position?
Do you think Watkins should have taken her concerns beyond Kenneth Lay to outside legal authorities?
If you were Ken Lay and had received the memo, what options for next steps might you have perceived? Why might you have chosen one option over another?
From this section of the memo, how would you characterize Watkins’ motivation? What factors seem to have motivated her to act?
What might the consequences of each of these alternatives have been?
Other than her informing Lay, what other alternatives might have been open to Watkins?
Besides Kenneth Lay, who else might have had an interest in hearing from Watkins? Who else might have had a right to be informed? Did Watkins have a responsibility to anyone other than Lay?
What ethical issues does this situation raise?
What facts would you want to know before making a judgment about Watkins?
7. Describe ethical decision making as a form of practical reasoning.
6. Explain why ethical responsibilities go beyond legal compliance.
5. Distinguish legal responsibilities from ethical responsibilities.
4. Distinguish ethical norms and values from other business-related norms and values.
3. Distinguish the ethics of personal integrity from the ethics of social responsibility.
2. Explain the nature of business ethics as an academic discipline.
Arebusinessesmorallyobligatedtotryto preventor reduceappearancediscrimina tion in theworkplace?What steps can theytake?
Assesstheargumentthatbecausefat,ugly, orstrange-lookingpeoplehave it tougher throughout their lives thandoattractive people,we shouldgive thempreferential treatmentwheneverwecan—forexample,
Underwhatcircumstances isphysicalat tractivenessajob-relatedemploymentcri terion?Isitrelevanttobeingasalesperson, aflightattendant,orareceptionist?
How frequently are people discrimi natedagainstonthebasisoftheirlooks?Is itaseriousprobleminjobsituations?What about the fact that students give higher instructional rankings toattrac
In your opinion, under what circum stanceswouldacquiescencebeadefense to charges of sexual harassment?When woulditnotbeadefense?Canyouformu lateageneralrulefordecidingsuchcases?
Should universities like USCbase their coachingsalariesentirelyonmarketconsid erations?Or shouldtheypaythecoaches ofmen’sandwomen’ssportscomparable salaries based on experience, skill, and
Whydosportsplayedbymentendtobemore popular and generatemore revenue than sportsplayedbywomen?Are femaleath letes—and their coaches—disadvantaged?Aretheydiscriminatedagainst?Ifso,whois responsible
Thedoctrineof comparableworthholds thatmenandwomenshouldbepaidthe samewage fordoing jobsof equal skill, effort,andresponsibility.WereMarianne StanleyandGeorgeRavelingdoingwork ofcomparablevalue?
What measures could Richmond have takenthatwouldhaveincreasedopportu nitiesforminoritybusinessbutwouldnot have involvedracialquotas?Wouldsuch measures be as effective as the original plan?
Inlightof thefact thatnofederal statute specifically bars racial discrimination in privatedomesticcommercial transactions betweentwobusinessfirms,andgiventhe evidence that racism is an obstacle to
JusticeO’Connorandthemajorityof the Court seemtobelieve that theremustbe somespecific, identifiableindividualswho have been discriminated against before race-consciousmeasurescanbeadoptedto
Doyoubelieve that therewas sufficient evidenceofracialdiscriminationtojustify thecity’splan?Whoisrightabout this—JusticeO’ConnororJusticeMarshall?
WhatwastheRichmondCityCounciltry ingtoaccomplishwithitsMinorityBusi nessUtilizationPlan? If youhadbeena memberof the council,wouldyouhave votedfortheplan?
Howwouldyourespondtotheargument thatifthecompanydoesn’tdoanythingto stoptheconductonBrenda’s list, thenit hasonly itself toblame?Whatabout the argument thatnoneof the thingson the list
Someonemight argue that some of the things listed as ethically dubious are really employee entitlements. Assess this contention.
RevieweachitemonBrenda’s listandas sesstheconduct inquestion.Doyoufind itmorally acceptable,morallyunaccept able,orsomewhereinbetween?Explain.
IsNewComunfairlyimposingitsowneth nocentricvaluesonWilsonMutambara?Is thecompany’shousingpolicy fairand reasonable?Is itculturallybiased?
WasDaleGarmanrighttoconfirmthein formationhehadreceivedand toreport thematter?Was itmorally required of himtodoso?
Did Wilson Mutambara act wrongly?Explainwhyorwhynot.Assesseachofthe argumentshegivesinhisowndefense.What othercoursesofactionwereopentohim?Whatwouldyouhavedoneinhisplace?
How should corporations address the questionofwhistle-blowing?Howshould theydealwithwhistle-blowersorpotential whistle-blowers?Howshouldtheyhandle disgruntledemployeeswhomake inaccu
What are the advantages anddisadvan tagesof lawsprotectingwhistle-blowers?Are they likely towork?Will theyhave goodresults, orwill theyencourage irre sponsiblewhistle-blowing? If you favor
If you believe Storms’s whistle-blowing was permissible, do you also believe that it was morally required of him?What about Ahearn’s?Would someone inStorms’spositionhavebeenjustifiedin
Based on the details provided, would youconsider Stormsmorally justified in havinggonepublicwithhis information?WasAhearn’sconduct justified?Explain.
What specificobligations, ideals, andef fects shouldhavebeenconsideredbefore eithermanbecameawhistle-blower?
Examine Storms’s and Ahearn’s actions from the perspective of Bowie’s criteria forjustifiedwhistle-blowing.Arethosecri teria satisfied inbothcases?AreBowie’s criteriathemselvessatisfactory?
DoyouthinkStormsandAhearnqualify aswhistle-blowers?What do you think theirmotiveswere?
Whatdoesloyaltytothecompanymean,and howimportant is it,morally?Underwhat circumstances,ifany,doemployeesoweloy altytotheiremployers?When, if ever,do theyoweloyaltytotheircoworkers?
Isitmorallywrong,morallypermissible,or morally required forCynthia to take the newjob?ExamineCynthia’schoicefroma utilitarianpointofview.HowwouldKant andRosslookathersituation?
Doesafirmhaveanobligationtogiveem ployeestheflexibilitytoworkoutthepar ticularbalanceofcareerandfamilythatis rightforthem?Ordoesthisgobeyondthe social responsibilitiesofbusiness?
Shouldspecialorganizationalarrangements bemadeforworkerswhowishtocombine careerandchildraising?Identifythesteps that companiescantake toaccommodate parentalneedsmoreeffectively.
Doyouthinktherealreadyissuchathing asamommytrack?Istheideaofamommy trackagoodone?Isitsomehowdiscrimi natoryagainstwomen?Againstmen?
Canworkingwomen accurately be di vided intoSchwartz’s two categories? Is it desirable for companies todistinguish thedifferenttypesofcareerpathsfollowed byfemaleemployees?
DoyouthinkSchwartziscorrecttoassert thatthecostofemployingwomeninman agement isgreaterthanthatofemploying men? Ifyouagree,whatare the implica tionsforcorporatepolicy?
WouldyouagreewithJosephKinneythat thereal issueistheneedtoremovetoxins fromtheworkplace?Isthisarealisticgoal?
Supposeacompanyforbidsanyemployee capableofreproducingfromworkingwith lead.Wouldsuchapolicywrongly inter ferewithemployees’ freedomof choice?Woulditbeaninvasionof
Can there be a nondiscriminatory fetal protectionpolicy?IsJusticeWhitecorrect inarguingthatcompanieshaveanobliga tiontoavoidcausinginjurytofetusesjust astheydotoother“thirdparties”?
HowshouldFanuchiandKatwalskihan dle the information they’ve gathered about their employees? Explain by ap pealingtorelevantideals,obligations,and effects.
Doyou thinkFanuchi acted immorally?Whyorwhynot?Evaluateheractionby appeal toethicalprinciples.
HowwouldyouassessFanuchi’sactionsif youwere theownerof thestore?Whose interestsaremoreimportantinthiscase—theemployer’sortheemployees’?
Doemployeeshavearightnottobespied on?IfyouwereanemployeeatFanuchi’s store,wouldyouthinkyourprivacyhad beenwronglyinvaded?
What doyouthinkabusiness’s reaction wouldbe if the government required its executiveofficerstosubmit toanhonesty test asaprecondition for the company’s getting a government contract? If, in
If you were an employer, would you requireeitheremployeesorjobapplicants topassanhonestyexam?Explainthemoral principlesthatsupportyourposition.
Howuseful doyouthinksuchtestsare?Assumingthattestslikethosedescribedare validandreliable,aretheyfair?Explain.
Describehowyou’dfeel ifyouhadtotake apsychological testoranhonestytestei therasanemployeeorasaprecondition foremployment.Underwhatconditions,if any,wouldyoutakesuchatest?
Wasthecourt’sverdictconsistentwithits earlierhandlingof thecaseof thehomo sexual teacher?
Was Pettit’s behavior “unprofessional”?Wasit“immoral”?Diditshowa“lackof fitness”toteach?Explainhowyouunder standthetermsinquotationmarks.
Explainwhether (andwhy) youagreeor disagreewiththefollowingargument:“If employeeshavearighttokeepgunsinthe parkinglot, thentheyalsohavearight to bringthemintoworkplace.Afterall,we’re only talking
Whatwoulda libertariansayabout this issue?What considerationswouldautili tarianhave to take intoaccount?What conclusionmightheorshedraw?
DoyouagreewiththeNRAthat ifcom paniesbanguns fromtheirparking lots,this restrictionwould take “awrecking ball totheSecondAmendment”ornullify the right of people tohaveweapons for
Inyourview,doemployeeshaveeithera moral or a legal right toparkcarswith guns intheminthecompanyparkinglot?If so,whatabout thepropertyrightsand safetyconcernsofemployers?Ifemployees
Assume that either the SecondAmend mentor state lawgivesyoua legal right tokeepagun inyour car.Doyoualso have amoral right todo this?Doyou have amoral, not onlya legal, right to
In1914ThomasEdisonhadapolicyof employing“nopersonwhosmokedcigar ettes.”Issuchapolicydiscriminatory?Is itreasonable?Todaysomecompaniesban employeesevenfromsmokingintheircars
SupposethatwhatbothersDarleneisnot oldsmokebutthesmellofAlice’sperfume or Frank’s body odor?Howwould this changethecase?
Most people thesedaysbelieve that em ployees have a right to a smoke-free workarea,butdotheyalsohavearight toaworkplace free of the odor of old smoke—or of any other odors they dislike? If so, does
DoFrankandAlicehavearighttosmokein theirofficeifnooneisthere?Shouldcom paniesmakeanefforttoaccommodatethe needsofsmokers?Whatpolicyonsmoking wouldyourecommendtoRedwoodAssoci ates? If, as inthis case,
Would Charles Renford be within his rightstodisciplineDarleneLambertforin subordination?ShouldheorderFrankand Alice tostopsmoking intheirofficealto gether, or isDarlene oversensitive?How would you
Assume a CEO like Ralph Jenkins is legitimatelyworried that anemployee is making damaging statements about the company.Howshould theCEOhandle the situation? Is discharge or some sort ofdiscipline
Isthecompanyright tobeworriedabout whatMaryDaviswritesorsays,or isthe boardofdirectorsexaggeratingthepoten tialharmtoWhitewaterofherdiscussing theseissues?
WhatdoyouthinkMaryDavisought to do?Whatmoralconsiderationsshouldshe weigh?Does shehaveconflictingobliga tions?Ifso,whatarethey?
Isyouranswer toquestion1affectedby whether youagree or disagreewith the viewsMaryDavisexpressed?
DoyouthinkMaryDavisactedirrespon siblyordisloyally?DoesWhitewaterhavea legitimateconcernaboutherspeakingout on this issue?Does the companyhave a righttoabridgeherfreedomofexpression?
Al Smetana andRayburnUnlimitedare committed tohonesty and integrity (the upholdingofwhichseemstosupportdis missal)andtheintrinsicworthofeachin dividual (which might argue for more
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