There are two ways of looking at the problems associated with intellectual property. As with any form
There are two ways of looking at the problems associated with intellectual property. As with any form of property law, the rules restrict and protect that property for the use of one individual or group and exclude others. But intellectual property is the vehicle for commercial and economic progress and is not restricted by international boundaries. Also, because it is intangible, the use by one group does not deny it to another, as would be the case with a stolen car, for example. Developing countries, even emerging economic giants like China and India, often look at such intellectual property laws as a way to restrict their advancement and further the profits of Western capitalistic nations and corporations at their expense. The same kind of debate happens at home between those who copy music over the internet and those large record companies and artists that feel that such activities are akin to theft. Consider these positions and discuss the relative merits of both sides. Is there any way to accommodate these conflicting interests? In your answer consider the recent amendments to the Copyright Act discussed in the text.
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