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Management And Artificial Intelligence
A focus on problems that do not respond to algorithmic solutions. This underlies the reliance on heuristic search as an AI problem-solving technique.?
The use of computers to do symbolic reasoning, pattern recognition, learning, or some other form of inference.?
Little learning from experience. Current expert systems are handcrafted; once the system is completed, its performance will not improve without further attention from its programmers. This leads to
Difficulties in verification. Though the correctness of any large computer system is difficult to prove, expert systems are particularly difficult to verify. This is a serious problem, as expert
Inability to provide deep explanations. Because expert systems lack deep knowledge of their problem domains, their explanations are generally restricted to a description of the steps they took in
Lack of robustness and flexibility. If humans are presented with a problem instance that they cannot solve immediately, they can generally return to an examination of first principles and come up
Difficulty in capturing "deep" knowledge of the problem domain. MYCIN, for example, lacks any real knowledge of human physiology. It does not know what blood does or the function of the spinal cord.
Production systems?
Neural networks?
5 How could an evolutionary process, like GP, be used to evolve
Preferring larger subtrees to smaller ones, and vice versa
Preferring those subtrees that were highly active during the fitness trials
4 The crossover operation used in GP selects a random subtree in both parents. Comment on what you think the effects would be of biasing the random selection according to
3 How might the GP crossover process be changed to allow GP to relax the requirement that the execution of every subtree return a value?
2 Determine what the words genotype and phenotype mean in (biological) evo- lutionary theory. How might these words be used to describe GP?
Control stop lights on a city main street
Control an elevator
1 Specify fitness functions for use in evolving agents that
What changes must be made to the backprop rule for a multilayer, feedforward network if this new error criterion is used?
Explain how your rule differs from the one that uses a squared-error criterion.
Develop an incremental, gradient descent weight change rule for a single sigmoid unit in which the error function is eld-fi, where d is the desired output, f=1/(1-e), s=X W, X is an (n +
5 Some Al researchers have argued that the goal of Al should be to build machines that help people in their intellectual tasks rather than to do those tasks. Loosely speaking, "helping" is sometimes
4 Comment critically on whether or not you think the Turing test is appropriate for deciding whether or not nonhuman machines can "think" Propose at least one alternative.
3 Suppose you were the interrogator in a Turing test. Compose five questions that you would ask of X and/or Y to determine which is a human and which is not.
2 Can you think of any practical advantages for making thinking machines of protein (rather than of silicon)?
1 Give your definition of the word machine. Do you believe that humans are machines? Whatever your belief (perhaps it is either yes, no, maybe, or not entirely), use your definition and evidence
5. Human rights and animal rights are well recognized. Outline a case for or against robot rights.
4. Consider the use of robots and companions for the elderly (or for infants). Investigate and describe briefly the current state of the art for these companions. Present three reasons in favor of
3. There have been proposals made for a global ban on the use of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS). Investigate and describe the current status of action on a ban on the use of LAWS. Present a
2 or neither or both?
2. Find some AI applications and classify the current state-of-the-art for that application in terms of the dimensions. Does the application automate what Kahneman [2011] calls System 1 or System
1. Election Prediction Large corporations do not like unpredictability, so they want a better way to predict the outcome of upcoming elections so they can plan appropriately for future governments.
13. Represent the electrical domain of previous chapters in ICL, so that it will run in AILog. The representation should include the probabilistic dependencies of Example 8.17 and the relations of
12. Suppose you have a relational probabilistic model for movie prediction, which represents P(likes(P, M) ∣ age(P), genre(M))where age(P) and genre(M) are a priori independent.(a) What is the
11. For the representation of addition in Example 15.24, it was assumed that the observed Z-values would all be digits. Change the representation so that the observed values can be digits, a blank,
10. Suppose Boolean parameterized random variables young(Person) and cool(Item) are parents of Boolean buys(Person, Item). Suppose there are 3000 people and 200 items.(a) Draw this in plate
9. A simple modification for the gradient descent for collaborative filtering can be used to predict P(rating > threshold) for various values of threshold in {1, 2, 3, 4}. Modify the code so that it
8. An alternative regularization for collaborative filtering is to minimize????⟨u, i, r⟩ ∈ D((^r (u, i) − r)2 + λ(ib[i]2 + ub[u]2 +???? p (ip[i, p]2 + up[u, p]2)))(a) How this differ from
7. Change the stochastic gradient descent algorithm of Figure 15.5 so it minimizes Formula 15.1, but regularizes after each example. Hint: You need to consider how many times each parameter is
6. Give some concrete specialization operators that can be used for top-down inductive logic programming. They should be defined so that making progress can be evaluated myopically.Explain under what
5. Suppose that, in event calculus, there are two actions, Open and Close, and a relation opened that is initially, at time 0, false. Action Open makes opened true, and action Close makes opened
4. In this exercise, you will investigate using event calculus for the robot delivery domain.(a) Represent the move action in the event calculus.(b) Represent each of the sequences of actions in
3. AILog performs depth-bounded search. You will notice that the processing time for the previous questions was slow, and you required a depth bound that was close to the actual depth bound to make
2. In this exercise, you will add a more complicated paint action than in the previous exercise.Suppose the object paint_can(Color) denotes a can of paint of color Color.Add the action paint(Obj,
1. Add to the situation calculus example (also available from the book web page) the ability to paint an object. In particular, add the predicate color(Obj, Col, Sit)that is true if object Obj has
• Plate models and the independent choice logic allow for the specification of probabilistic models before the individuals are known.
• Collaborative filtering can be used to make predictions about instances of relations from other instances by inventing hidden properties.
• Inductive logic programming can be used to learn relational models, even when the values of features are meaningless names.
• Event calculus allows for continuous and discrete time and axiomatizes what follows from the occurrence of events.
• The situation calculus represents time in terms of the action of an agent, using the init constant and the do function.
• Many of the representations in earlier chapters can be made relational.
• Relational representations are used when an agent requires models to be given or learned before it which individuals it will encounter.
17. In this question, you will write a meta-interpreter for parametrized logic programs. These are logic programs that can use constants in arithmetic expressions. The values for the constants are
16. Build an iterative deepening abductive reasoning system to find minimal consistent sets of assumables to imply a goal. This can be based on the depth-bounded meta-interpreter of Figure 14.12, and
15. Write a meta-interpreter for definite clauses that does iterative deepening search. Make sure that it only returns one answer for each proof and that the system says no whenever the depthfirst
14. Write a meta-interpreter that allows both how and why questions. In particular, it should allow the user to ask how questions about a goal that has been proved after a why question. Explain how
13. Write a program that takes in a tree produced from the meta-interpreter that builds proof trees as shown in Figure 14.13 and lets someone traverse the tree using how questions.
12. Extend the ask-the-user meta-interpreter from the previous question to allow for questions that ask for instances. The system could ask the user questions like “for which X is P(X) true?”,
11. Write a meta-interpreter that allows for asking the users yes-or-no questions. Make sure it does not ask questions to which it already knows the answer.
• askSite(URI, Q, Answer) is true when you ask the source URI a question Q, it gives the Answer that is one of {yes, no, unknown}. Note that although can_answer and reliability can be simple
• reliability(URI, R) is true if R is some numerical measure of reliability of URI. You can assume that R is in the range [−100, 100], in which the higher number means that it is more reliable.
• can_answer(Q, URI) is true if the source given by URI can answer questions that unify with Q.
10. Write a meta-interpreter that can ask multiple sources for information. Suppose that each source is identified by a universal resource identifier (URI). Suppose you have the predicates
9. The program of Figure 14.14 allows duplicate delayed goals. Write a version of dprove that returns minimal sets of delayed goals, in their simplest form.
8. Consider two ways to modify the depth-bound meta-interpreter of Figure 14.12:(a) The bound is on number of instances of base-level atoms that appear in the proof.Why might this be better or worse
7. For the following, explain how each is categorized by the top-level ontology of Section 14.3.3:(a) your skin(b) the period at the end of the first sentence of this chapter(c) the excitement a
6. A luxury hotel has multiple rooms to rent, each of which is comfortable and has a view. The hotel must also have more than one restaurant. There must be menu items for vegetarians and for meat
5. Suppose a “beach resort” is a resort near a beach that the resort guests can use. The beach has to be near the sea or a lake, where swimming is permitted. A resort must have places to sleep
4. Write an ontology for the objects that often appear on your desk that may be useful for a robot that is meant to tidy your desk. Think of the categories that (a) the robot can perceive and
3. Sam has proposed that any n-ary relation P(X1, X2, X3, …, Xn) can be reexpressed as n − 1 binary relations, namely, P1(X1, X2) .P2(X2, X3) .P3(X3, X4) .⋮Pn − 1(Xn − 1, Xn) .Explain to
2. A travel site has a database that represents information about hotels and feedback from users that uses the relations:hotel(Id, Name, City, Province, Country, Address)reported_clean(Hotel,
1. There are many possible kinship relationships you could imagine like mother, father, great-aunt, second-cousin-twice-removed, and natural-paternal-uncle. Some of these can be defined in terms of
• A meta-interpreter can be used to build a lightweight implementation of a knowledge-based system that can be customized to fit the requirements of the representation language.
• OWL ontologies are built from individuals, classes, and properties. A class is a set of real and potential individuals.
• Ontologies allow for semantic interoperability and knowledge sharing.
• Individual–property–value triples form a flexible, universal representation for relations.
17. Construct a knowledge base and a dictionary based on Figure 13.13 to answer geographical questions such as that given in Figure 1.2. For each query, either show how it can be answered or explain
16. In this question, you are to write a definite clause knowledge base for the design of custom video presentations.Assume that the video is annotated using the relation segment(SegId, Duration,
15. The aim of this question is to get practice writing simple logic programs.(a) Write a relation remove(E, L, R) that is true if R is the list resulting from removing one instance of E from list L.
14. Consider the following logic program:ap(emp, L, L) .ap(c(H, T), L, c(H, R)) ←ap(T, L, R) .adj(A, B, L) ←ap(F, c(A, c(B, E)), L) .(a) Give a top-down derivation (including all substitutions)
13. Consider the following logic program:rd(cons(H, cons(H, T)), T) .rd(cons(H, T), cons(H, R)) ←rd(T, R) .Give a top-down derivation, showing all substitutions for the query???????????? rd(cons(a,
12. Consider the following logic program:f(empty, X, X) .f(cons(X, Y), W, Z) ←f(Y, W, cons(X, Z)) .Give each top-down derivation, showing substitutions (as in Example 13.32) for the
11. List all of the ground atomic logical consequences of the following knowledge base:q(Y) ← s(Y, Z) ∧ r(Z) .p(X) ← q(f(X)) .s(f(a),b) .s(f(b),b) .s(c,b) .r(b) .
10. For each of the following pairs of atoms, either give a most general unifier or explain why one does not exist:(a) p(X, Y,a, b, W)p(E,c, F, G, F)(b) p(X, Y, Y)p(E, E, F)(c) p(Y,a, b, Y)p(c, F, G,
9. Give a most general unifier of the following pairs of expressions:(a) p(f(X), g(g(b))) and p(Z, g(Y))(b) g(f(X), r(X), t) and g(W, r(Q), Q)(c) bar(val(X, bb), Z) and bar(P, P)
8. What is the result of the following applications of substitutions?(a) f(A, X, Y, X, Y){A/X, Z/b, Y/c} .(b) yes(F, L) ← append(F, c(L, nil), c(l, c(i, c(s, c(t, nil))))){F/c(l, X1), Y1/c(L, nil),
7. Consider the following knowledge base:has_access(X, library) ← student(X) .has_access(X, library) ← faculty(X) .has_access(X, library) ← has_access(Y, library) ∧ parent(Y, X)
6. In a manner similar to Example 13.23, show derivations of the following queries:(a) ???????????? two_doors_east(r107, R) .(b) ???????????? next_door(R, r107) .(c) ???????????? west(R, r107) .(d)
5. In Example 13.23, we always selected the leftmost conjunct to resolve on. Is there a selection rule (a selection of which conjunct in the query to resolve against) that would have resulted in only
4. In Example 13.23, the algorithm fortuitously chose imm_west(r109, r111) as the clause to resolve against. What would have happened if another clause had been chosen? Show the sequence of
3. Consider the following knowledge base:r(a) .r(e) .p(c) .q(b) .s(a,b) .s(d,b) .s(e,d) .p(X) ← q(X) ∧ r(X) .q(X) ← s(X, Y) ∧ q(Y) .Show the set of ground atomic consequences derivable from
2. Consider the language that contains the constant symbolsa, b, and c; the predicate symbols p and q; and no function symbols. We have the following knowledge bases built from this language:KB1 = {
1. Consider a domain with two individuals (✂ and ☎), two predicate symbols (p and q), and three constants (a,b, and c). The knowledge base KB is defined by p(X) ← q(X) .q(a) .(a) Give one
• Clark’s completion can be used to define the semantics of negation as failure under the complete knowledge assumption.
• Equality between terms means that the terms denote the same individual.
• It is possible to use definite clauses to represent natural language grammars.
• Function symbols are used to denote a possibly infinite set of individuals described in terms of other individuals. Function symbols can be used to build data structures.
• Substitutions are used to make instances of atoms and rules. Unification makes atoms identical for use in proofs.
• Datalog is a logical language with constants, universally quantified variables, relations, and rules.
• In domains characterized by individuals and relations, constants denoting individuals and predicate symbols denoting relations can be reasoned with to determine what is true in the domain.
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