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principles of organizational behavior
Questions and Answers of
Principles Of Organizational Behavior
J. Why do somc organizations use punishmcnt morc often than others'!
4. [s OB MOD ethical? Why or why not?
5. In what ways are thc behaviors of taxi dril'CN controlled by the principles of operant conditioning?
6. On what kinds of jobs might vicarious learning be cspecially prevalent'!
8. Why do somc capahlc members of an organi7.mion have low levels of sclf-efficacy'!
9. Why do organizations desiring crealivity need to be "'illing to accept a certain level offailure?
10. Whm steps can organizations takc to promotc organizationalleaming and knowledge mmmgemcnt'!
I. Describe the specific behaviors that gavc you trouble.
2. What antecedents prompted you 10 perform these behaviors'!
J. What wcre the reinforcing consequences for performing these behaviors successfully')
4. Would you have been punished if you had nm finally succeeded? If you had becn would you have felt about being punished?
5. Did you usc vicarious learning tu try 10 solve yuur problem? If you did. ,,'ho did you imitate and why? If you did not. why nOl')
6. Did you usc self-comrolto try to solvc your problem'![f you did. whal gual did you sct for yourself.and what was your self-reinforcer? If you did nO!usc self-control. why not'!
7. Describe your ICl'el of self-cfficacy when you first started uul, when yuu were having a particularly troublesome time. and when you finally succeedcd,
g, What do you think your level of self-efficacy will be for simIlar tasks in the future? Why do you think your self-efficacy will be at Ihis level?
Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of the scientific management approach to job design.
Describe the job characteristics model and its implications for using job design to create a motivating work setting.
Understand the implications of the social information processing model.
Appreciate how and why organizational objectives can motivate employees.
Describe goal setting theory and the kinds of goals that contribute to a motivating work setting.
I, What arc lhe impli(·:tlions of thi, casc for job design')
2, How call jobs be designed to be more lIlolivating?
3. What arc the implications of this case for lhe usc of gfl.11 setting)n organizations"?
4. Why might ditlicult goals be cspet'i~lly mOlivating?
I, What organizational objet"livcs arc being pursued at E. I, du Pont de Nemars & Company?
1. Why arc these organizmional objcrti"es being pursued"!
J. How might the,e organizational obj,,,-'tive, be motivational for do Pont employee,'!
4. How do thcs
I. Develop an action plan 10 increase levels of all\onomy in Ihe arlist'- jobs.Although you want to increase autonomy. you also want to make sure that your group creates cards that arc responsive 10
2. The class divides inlo groups of Ihree 10 live people. and each group appoinls one member as spokespcrxon to prescnt the group's rc(;olllmendations to the wholc class.
3. Group members takc IUnlS describing lheir own sp"-'Cific action plans for increasing aulonomy in Ihe artiSls' jobs while making sure the cards arc rcsponsive 10 market demands and customer tasle.
4. Discuss the pros and cons of the differcnt alternative action plans and create an action plan that group members lhink will best increase autonomy while at the Sitme lime ml'Ctlhe orgamzational
I. Take a few minutes to think about a situation in wl1ich your opinion ditTered from the general consensus of the group of people you were with.
2. Write down a brief description oftl1e silUmion. how you felt. whether or lint you expressed your opinion. and whether or not you or anyone in tl1e group changed theiropinions.
3. Take turns des
4. As a group. try to come up with explanations for why sometimes people who disagree wilh a majority j;lil to express their opinions IlndJor end up changing thelll.
I. Th ink about the ethical impl ications of assign ing specilic. di fticult goals to employees.
2. Is it ethical to hal'e employees' cnmings based entirely on the extem to which they allain their guals'!
1. Describe each person's job.
2. Is eIther job designed according to the principles of scientifiC management'! If so. how'!
3. f:kscribc each job in temlS of the five core dimensions of the job characteristics model.
4. Describe each person in terms of the individual differences in the job char:tcteristics model.
5. How are the people's social environments at work similar'! How are they different'!
6. Is either person assigned goals'! If so. whal kinds of goals?
7. Wh31 do you think a
1. Why might an organi~ation wanlto design jobs according to the principles of scientific management '!
2, Why might sOllie employees nO! wam their jobs enriched?
J, How might a mll11ager redesign the job of a person who delivers newspapers to raise levels of the core job dimensions idcmificd by the job characteristics model')
4, Can principles of scicnlific management and the job characteristics model both be used 10 design a job? Explain why or why no!.
5. Why do individual differcnces affect the relation·ships ill the job eh,lT'~eteristiesmode!'!
6. Why dues the SOCIal environment influence employees' responscs to toc design of their jobs?
7. Why should organi~alions clearly communicatc organizational objcctives to their employees?
8. What kinds of gools should be set for a supermarket l'
9. Why do people try to attain difficult goals')
10. When might specific. difficult goals result in low levels of performance'!
Describe how the experience of stress is based on employees' perceptions and influenced by individual differences.
Appreciate the fact that stress can have both positive and negative consequences for employees and their organizations.
Be aware of stressors that (an arise from employees' personal lives, their jobs, their work groups and organizations, the pursuit of work·life balance, and uncertainty in the wider environment.
Describe problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies for individuals.
Described problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies for organizations.
I, Why do foreign worken; go to Jordan 10 work in the "pp"rcl manufaC1uring indU,lry?
2. What of stress do they encounter there?
3. What are lhe ethical ohligations of flnns likc Wal"Man and Jones Apparel who haw prooucl, manufa(;{urcd in faclorie, in Jordan'>
4. Whm can and should be done to rectify this Silumion?
1. What sources of stress docs Ihis case focus on?
2. Why are some workers beinl; required to work longer and IOlll;er hours'!
J, How t:ln wor~ers tope wilh these ,uorees of ,tress'l
4. Why is work-life b:ll:llKe impon:lnt for both employees :lnd employers?
l. Take a few minutes to think about thc emotion-focused ways of coping that you personally rely on to cope with stressful feelings and emotions.
2. Take turns deSl:ribing your emotion-focused ways of coping and have the spokesperson li'a them on a piece of paper.
3. Now go through the list and dctermine as a group to what estent each way of coping is likely to be effective/functional or ineffective/dysfunctional.
4, As a group,l:ome up ,,'ith a list of effedive emotion-focused coping strategies.(This list may include but is not limited to the list that was generated previously.,n step_,. )
l. Are there ethical implications of organi7..a1ions laying off hundreds of employees in the same year that the CEOs earn rel:(ml salaries'! If so. what arc the>c implications"! If nOlo why
2. What ethical obligations do organi7A1tions have whcn thcy arc considering laying off employees'!
I, Dcsnibe the experience and the surrounding circumstances.
2. Explain whether the experience was stressful because it entailed an opportunity or a threat.Whal was the opportunity or threat?
3. Describe your feelings when you first elleountercd the source of stress.
4, Describe the (a) physiological, (b) psychological, and (c) behavioral consequences of the stress.
5. Describe how you aetul1l1y coped with the stressor in 11 problem-focuscd ml1nner.
6. Describe how you actually coped with the stressor in an emotion-focused manner.
7. Describe how your employing organizalion or university helped you cope with the stressor. [f your employing organization or ulliversity did nOi help you cope with thc strcssor. do you think it
8. Describe the extent to which your ("Oping efl()rts were successful in helping you deal with the source of stress and with your stressful feci illgs and c1l\0tiolls.
1. Why are opportunities such a!, a job promotion stressful for some people'!
3. Should managers try to eliminale all or most role eonllict and ,Imbiguity'? Why or why not'!
4, [s underload as stressful as overload'! Why or why nm'?
5. Do organizations have an ethical obligation to guarantee their members job security'! Why or why not'l
6. How can managers help their suoordm3lcs leam how to cope with strcssors in a problcm-foo::uSl'tl way?
7. What should a manager do ifhc orshc thinks a subordinate is using a dysfunctional form of emotIon-focused coping (such as abusing drugs)':
8. Is a certain level of stress necessary to motivatc employees to perform 31 a high level? Why or why not'!
9. Why might some employec.' be reluctant to UM: all cmployee assistance program?
10. Why should an organization care whether its members eat well or exercise regularly'!
Describe the different types of work groups and the difference between a group and a team,
Appreciate the characteristics of work groups and the effects on the behavior of group members,
Describe how groups control their members through roles, rules, and norms,
Appreciate the need for conformity and deviance in groups and why and how group goals need to be aligned with organizational goals,
Understand the socialization process and how socialization tactics can result in an institutionalized or an individualized role orientation.
1. What norms is Coca-Cola lrying 10 j;e!s ii, Boord of Dire("tors 10 adOpl by its new in("enIi"....compensalion plan?
2. How might these normS be fOn
3. Is lhcre allY pOlential for lhis ilICenlive plan 10 lead 10 the d......clopment of dysfunclional norms."
4. Is lhere any polential for lhis in("emivc pktn 10 lead the BO'lrd 10 develop norms and behavc in ways Ihat are queslionable on elhieal grounds? Why or why nol?
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