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the leadership experience
Questions and Answers of
The Leadership Experience
Publicity test: Would you be embarrassed if the conduct was reported on the front page of your paper?
Common sense test: Does the questioned act make sense?
When the management, through values, is superior to any other kind of management control.
When management values are suited to the challenges and tasks facing the organization and thereby lead to organizational success
When management’s values are incorporated into the administrative systems and culture of the organization and thereby become work ethics for the organization
Under what conditions would you allow exceptions to your stand?What conflicting principles, circumstances, etc., provide a morally acceptable basis for making an exception to one’s normal
What is the symbolic potential of your action if misunderstood?How will others perceive your actions?
Could you disclose without qualm your decision or action to your boss? Would you be comfortable in seeing your action reported on television?
Are you confident that your position will hold up in the long run?Will today’s decision be tomorrow’s bad decision?
Can you discuss the problem with the affected persons before making a decision? If your decision will harm others, can you discuss it with them first and obtain their views on it?
Whom could your decision injure? Even though an action may have a legitimate use, what is the likelihood that it could cause harm to someone?
How does this intention compare with likely results? Often, regardless of the intent, the results are likely to be harmful. Accordingly, it is important to think through the likely outcome.
What is your intention in making this decision? Ask yourself, “Why am I really doing this?” If you are uncomfortable with the answer, do not make the decision.
To whom and what do you give your loyalties as a person and a member of the organization? Individuals and supervisors must ask to whom or what they owe the greater loyalty.
How did the situation occur? Look into the history of the situation and make certain that you are dealing with a problem not a symptom.
How would you define the problem if you stood on the other side of the fence? Look at the issue from the perspective of those who may question your conduct or those who are most likely to be
Have you defined the problem accurately? Obtain a clear understanding of the problem. The more facts that are collected and the more precise the use of the facts, the less emotional your approach to
How can the local police act as intelligence-gathering agents for the homeland security programs?
What is the mission of the DHS?
How is homeland security different from standard policing?
What constitutes a terrorist act?
Jack Ryan, a twenty-one-year veteran FBI agent, informed the FBI that because of religions beliefs, he could no longer carry a firearm.He was then fired. He files suit against the FBI alleging that
You are a police officer on a patrol assignment. The manager of a local store complains to you regarding two public inebriates who are sitting on a public bench across the street from the store. The
As chief of police of a small police department, you discover that one of your officers is a drug abuser. Your department is too small to have available professional counseling. What are your
You are a police officer in a small town. The local city council has voted not to give the police a pay raise for the second straight year. There is talk of a strike or sick-out by the police.Would
What has been the impact of Equal Employment Opportunity on police employment practices?
What are the stages of the police selection process?
Why is knowledge of gender and cultural diversity important in policing?
Identify methods of recruitment and selection used in policing.
What preconceived ideas might some of the task force members have about the influence of education on policing?
Would you go outside the police department to find others in the community that would be willing to serve on the task force? If so, who would you approach about serving? Why?
Identify and discuss programs that have been instrumental in assisting police officers financially in obtaining a college education.
Discuss the advantages of college education requirements for police officers.
Over the past several decades, there have been numerous committees formed to study police training and education. What were the underpinnings of these committees, recommendations as they relate to
What subjects are recommended to be included in the training curricula that have historically been missing?
What are the assumptions of the andragogical approaches to police training?
Identify and discuss the traditional training methods in many police academies.
Describe how community policing affects the training of police officers.
Discuss what police management can do to ensure that their officers are prepared to serve diverse communities.
Discuss what police management can do to assist employees in managing stress.
What effects can stress have on police officers?
Compare and contrast the two types of stress as identified by Hans Selye: “eustress” and “distress.”
What are the implications that technology will have on the training of police officers?
What are some of the crime control technologies discussed in the chapter?
What are “mobile data terminals”?
How can informational systems/computers assist police management?
How can information services/computers assist police in criminal investigations?
What is “computer-aided dispatch,” and how does it differ from traditional communication systems?
In 1994, the National Institute of Justice created the National Law Enforcement Technology Center (NLETC). Why was it created, and what was its role?
During the summer of 1994, there were significant developments in the planning for more effective police technology. A 1995 Defense Appropriations Bill allocated funds to support the dual-use
The Institute of Law Enforcement issued a report that detailed projected standards to which that law enforcement technology should gradually evolve. By the mid-1970s, the Institute of Law
Define the role of leaders and managers in community policing.
Outline the SARA model of problem-oriented policing.
Describe the four general principles of community policing.
Identify the steps involved in the group decision-making process.
Distinguish between policies and procedures and describe what purposes they serve for a police organization.
List several elements that constitute the definition of police discretion.
If asked to revise policy and procedures relating to traffic stops, what ideas would you suggest to address concerns about profiling citizens?
Why is periodic review of policy and procedures important?
What process should this police department use to examine its policies and procedures relating to traffic stops?
What is COMPSTAT and how is it used in policing?
Which two principles are most important to reengineering?
How can TQM help police organizations making the transition to community policing?
Who are W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran, and Philip B.Crosby?
What is the PDCA cycle of TQM?
What are the key characteristics of total quality management?
What can the sheriff do to gain support for community policing initiatives?
How should the sheriff decide what other services need to be provided by his agency?
Why should customer satisfaction be important to law enforcement leaders?
How can planning be used as a mechanism to improve the diversity of the police organization?
What are organizational goals?
What are appropriate ways to evaluate the success of the police organizational plan?
What is a vision and why is this important in police planning?
What is strategic planning? Identify the elements in the applied strategic planning model.
How can research assist in effective police planning?
How will police planning change under the evolving philosophy of community-oriented policing?
What are the planning models as described by Robert Lynch? Discuss each of these planning models.
What are the underpinnings of the traditional planning models?
Why is the process of planning in police organizations important?
What is organizational planning?
Explain the behavioral styles of authoritarian, democratic, laissezfaire, and charismatic leadership.
Compare and contrast trait, situational, contingency, and transactional theories of leadership.
What qualities distinguish a skilled manager from a good leader?
How can attitudes of the organization’s leader affect the work behavior of the line staff?
What problems might surface when the administrative leadership at the Pine County Sheriff’s Office changes?
How would you describe the leadership style of the current sheriff?What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
What are the psychological job requirements that should be considered in developing a job design?
Is it important that every officer be a leader? Support your opinion.
What are the basic structural designs used in police agencies?
Explain the differences between the “top-down” approach and the analysis approach to police organizations.
Explain how the primary purposes of decoy operations differ from traditional police patrolling.
How does the MCI grade cases as to their solvability?
Why is an understanding of the Kansas City Study helpful to police agencies? What did the study establish?
What are the traditional functions of a police agency?
Explain the process of organizational development.
Explain the differences between directed patrolling and split force patrolling.
You are appointed the chief of police of a midwestern city. The department has experienced high personnel turnover and high absenteeism, and generally the department morale is very low. What would be
Would you prefer to work for a Theory X or Theory Y organization?Why?
Prepare a force field analysis for the case study provided at the beginning of the chapter.
Describe Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
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