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valuation measuring and managing
Questions and Answers of
Valuation Measuring And Managing
■ What types of stn•k es are iUegaJ? Ye.usa go?W hy?
■ Are there more strikes now than CUI to SOcietnyo wa st h 10 eywere l0,20,or30yearsago?
■ Doyouthinkthatunionsareasbenefi DU . t thinka bouta nd discubsset .1.
10. What behaviors would make you suspect that wor~place tension is escalating into ,folcnce? What steps would you take to deal with your suspicions?
9. What are appropriate steps for preventing sexual harassment?
8. Are education and training playing any part in overcoming specific discrimina.tory practices?
7. 'What is management's obligation to current and prospective employees re ing d1. scn. m. mat•i on,.1 rrespecu. veo f th e Ia w?. garct.
6. How do you define •'individuals with disabilities" on the employment SCene?01
s. What are some of the actions that are being urged to lessen sex discriminatio
4• What. if anything. should the organization do to help the older worker?
3. \\:at are at least three ways in which discrimination can be overcome?
2. fa lain how discrimination is inOuenced by prejudice.
l. How can you recognize substance abuse?
10. Define and apply the following terms and concepts (in order of first occurrence):
9. Discuss steps to prevent workplace violence.
8. Recognize the legal aspects of sexual harassment.
7. Discuss affirmative action.
6. Understand the protections for the aging, disabled, and other legally protected groups.
5. Describe aod give examples of the ways in which discrimination can be overcome.
4. Discuss some of the ways in which it is possible to see and measure discrimination in the business world.
3. Define and discuss the meaning of prejudice and discrimination.
2. Identify what employee assistance programs can do to help employees.
L Discuss the problems of alcoholism and drug abuse at work and develop some background in how to deal with employees with these problems.
■ A:Ie you worried about workplace violence? Do you know of anyone who has been impacted by workplace violence?
■ What is sexual harassment?
■ How do we discri1".1inataeg ainst older workers and workers with disabilities? (How do you define older and disabled?)
■ What is meant by discrimination?
■ Is drug testing fair in the workplace?
■ What can you do for the employee who is an alcoholic or drug abuser?
■ Which is better-to let problem employees go or try to help them?
7. What can organizations do to imprO\-eth eir effeai.-enessm pobal settings?
6. Arc Americans more similaro r different than jl
5. Where are the greatest trading opponunities for the L'nited tates? What are the pitfalls or each?
4. Why is the Theory Z approach so su=ful in Japan7 are its ad\"aniages and pitfalls in both Japan and other couotries including the Umted tates7
3. Relate the differences between context and friendship ID your culn:re and a culture of another country.
2. Relate the differences betv.-eens pace and touch in iour culture and a culrure of another country.
1. What are the differences bet,.-een ethnocentrism and cuhural relati"ity?
9. Define and apply the following terms and concepts (in order of fim occurrence):
8. Describe what organizations can do to improvet heir effecti,-cnessin global settings.
7. Describe what individuals can do to improvet heir effecti\'enessi n global settings.
6. Compare intercultural managerial differences,i ndi,idual characteristics.a nd ,-alues.
s. Discuss what is meant by high- and low-
4. Discuss the importance of the follo"'ing;a. Vertical and horizontal space in terms of intercultural business relationships.b. Hidden language o[ time difference between the United States and other
3. Discuss why intercultural relations are more imponan1 in today's organizations.
2. Describe the m~aning of ethnocentrism and cultural relativity as these topics relate to intercultural relations.
1. Discuss the importance of establishing good intercultural relations before embarking on an international venture.
■ Are there standards by whi. ch we should judge all cultIu arrecs
■ Whataresomeoftheacceptablemoresinourculturetha " fflimi• , .
■ What nonverbal actions have you observed · . .from your group of friends? in a panlCUJafro reigng roup that are different
■ Is time more i. mportant in American ors in I countn•-cve if th ak E . 1 ·, n ey spe ngl1Sb?more important to us or to others? cu lure than it is in other cultures? Is physical space
■ Do you feel uncomionable with foreigncv ainsi \t\ e w. orhki esf fectivelyw ith dive rse peopI e .?
6. What can be done to minimize the effectSo f groupth.inka nd ~- shift?
S. Consider Barker's concept of coocenhe control Cao organizatiom p1ac:e too much emphasis on teaai\\Ork? Discuss.
4. Discuss the growing impact of technology on group performance and effccth eness, panicularly as it relates to "'inual grou~ -
3. What are some examples of task-related.m aintenance-related.a nd indi,;duat roles you play in groups?
2. What are the major differencesi n beba,;or. pcn.-era. nd control between formal and informal groups?
1. What determines group eCfectiveocss?
13. Define and apply the following terms and concepts (in order of !mt occurrence):
U. Explain the role of groupthink and risky shift in decision making.
11. Define self-managed work teams, including the forces leading 10 their increased presenoe in the workplace and the consequences of that increased presence.
10. Consider alternative views of team eITectivenas.
9. Articulate the manager's role in the group process.
8. Identify types of nonfunctional group or team behavtors.
7. Understand role prescriptions and role behaviors.
6. Understand and differentiate task. maintenance, and indhidual roles.
s. Understand consensus building, its advantages, and disad\'3ntages.
4. Apprec!ate propositions about group dynamics.i ncludingg roup cobesi"eness.r isky shift, and social loafing.
3. Distinguish between groups and effective teams.
2. Describe a common perspective on the process of group evolution.
1. Understand groups and their characteristics.
■ What is groupthink and why should it be avoided?
■ How do you obtam consensus in group beh • ... . aV1oar nd dCC1S1mona kin ? ■ Arc there maior d1ITerencesin behavior pow d g.groups? ' er, an control between formal and informal
■ What attracts you to another person or gro f. up o people?
■ Whal is the difference between a group a d n a team?
■ What is a group? What determines if it 15· ea • ?. ect1ve.
11 Identl.fy some specific examples of leadership substitutes or leadership n• "d h . h I d , eutra!.izers that you have encountered. D1 t ey impact t e ea er s traditional role?
10• What are three emerging issues in leadership? Explain how these issues impact leadership.
9• Discuss the contingency theory of leadership, using several examples.
S. Describe the five practices of effective leadership.
7_ What are the different characteristics of the Theory X and Theory y leader?
6. ompare a . . . d" "UChj C nd contrast the leadership theories between the University of,,.gan SIU d1. es and The Ohio State Umvers1t1es stu 1es. ·
5. De net es ·x traits that contribute to leadership success.
4• derstanding of and ability to apply leadership concepts? P h ls.
J. . . rpersonal informational, and decisional managerial roles, Descnbc mte , .What are the four stages that one typically p_rogresses through in develo in
2. Distinguish between leadership and management.
1. What is leadership?
7. Define and apply the following terms and concepts (in order of first ocx:urreaoe):
6. Identify key influences on leadership entering the twenty-first century.
s. Characterize the differential impacts of gender roles in defining leadership effeai\"eness.
4. Explain the role of followers in the leadership process.
3. Explain leadership as an influence process.
2. Explain various leadership models, including the trait, behavior, and contingency theories, leadership substitutes, and transformational leadership.
1. Distinguish between leadership and management
■ What type of leader are you?
■ How can we measure leader behavior?
■ What is the impact of changing technology global" -leadership? ' JZallon, and the changing workforce on
■ What is the function of a leader in a group?
■ What roles do followers play in leadership?
■ Are men or women better leaders? Why?
■ Can leadership be learned?
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