For ordinal square I Ã I tables of counts {n ab }, model (12.3) for binary matched-pairs
logit[P(Yit ¤ j|ui)] = αj + βxt + ui
with {ui} independent N(0, Ï2) variates and x1 = 0 and x2 = 1.
a. Explain how to interpret β, and compare to the interpretation of β in the corresponding marginal model (10.14).
b. This model implies model (12.3) for each 2 Ã 2 collapsing that combines categories 1 through j for one outcome and categories j + 1 through I for the other. Use the form of the conditional ML (or random effects ML) estimator for binary matched pairs to explain why
j log Σ a>j b
is a consistent estimator of β.
c. Treat these (I 1) collapsed 2 à 2 tables naively as if they are independent samples. Show that adding the numerators and adding the denominators of the separate estimates of eβ motivates the summary estimator of β,
Explain why Î²Ì is consistent for β even recognizing the actual dependence.
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