Dijkstras algorithm, for finding the least-cost path from a specified node s to a specified node t,
Dijkstra’s algorithm, for finding the least-cost path from a specified node s to a specified node t, can be expressed in the following program:
for n := 1 to N do begin L[n] := ∞; final[n] := false; {all nodes are temporarily labeled with ∞}
pred[n] := 1 end;
L[s] := 0; final[s] := true; {node s is permanently labeled with 0}
recent := s; {the most recent node to be permanently labeled is s}
path := true;
{initialization over }
while final[t] = false do begin for n := 1 to N do {find new label}
if (w[recent, n] < ∞) AND (NOT final[n]) then
{for every immediate successor of recent that is not permanently labeled, do }
begin {update temporary labels}
newlabel := L[recent] + w[recent,n];
if newlabel < L[n] then begin L[n] := newlabel; pred[n] := recent end
{relabel n if there is a shorter path via node recent and make recent the predecessor of n on the shortest path from s}
temp := ∞;
for x := 1 to N do {find node with smallest temporary label}
if (NOT final[x]) AND (L[x] < temp) then begin y := x; temp :=L[x] end;
if temp < ∞ then {there is a path} then begin final[y] := true; recent := y end
{y, the next closest node to s gets permanently labeled}
else begin path := false; final[t] := true end end In this program, each node is assigned a temporary label initially. As a final path to a node is determined, it is assigned a permanent label equal to the cost of the path from s. Write a similar program for the Bellman–Ford algorithm. Hint: The Bellman–Ford algorithm is often called a label-correcting method, in contrast to Dijkstra’s label-setting method.
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