Does the University of Hawai'i at Hilo have a higher or lower 75th percentile verbal SAT score
Does the University of Hawai'i at Hilo have a higher or lower 75th percentile verbal SAT score (590) than we'd expect based on its 75th percentile math SAT score (580)? By how much?
Use the datasets "Public" ( Data-Sets) and "Private" ( Data-Sets), which give many institutions of higher learning in the United States (public institutions in "Public" and private, non-profit institutions in "Private"), the schools' 75th percentiles on the math section of the SAT (SATM75), the verbal section of the SAT (SATV75), the math section of the ACT (ACTM75), and the English section of the ACT (ACTE75). It also gives the schools' admission rates (AdmRate) and total annual cost of attendance (Cost).
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