Consider the Monte Carlo setup given in Arellano and Bond (1991) (p. 283) for a simple autoregressive
Consider the Monte Carlo setup given in Arellano and Bond (1991) (p. 283) for a simple autoregressive equation with one regressor with \(N=100\) and \(T=7\).
(a) Compute the bias and mean squared error based on 100 replications of the following estimators: OLS, Within, one-step and two-step Arellano and Bond GMM estimators, two Anderson and Hsiao type estimators that use \(\Delta y_{i, t-2}\) and \(y_{i, t-2}\) as an instrument for \(\Delta y_{i, t-1}\), respectively. Compare with Table 8.1, p. 284 of Arellano and Bond (1991).
Table 8.1:
(b) Compute Sargan's test of over-identifying restrictions given below (8.11) and count the number of rejections out of 100 replications. Compare with Table 8.2 of Arellano and Bond (1991).
Table 8.2:
& E\left[\left(y_{i, 1}\left(u_{i, 3}-u_{i, 2}\right)\right]=0\right. \tag{8.11a}\\
& E\left[\left(y_{i, 1}\left(u_{i, 4}-u_{i, 3}\right)\right]=0\right. \tag{8.11b}\\
& E\left[\left(y_{i, 2}\left(u_{i, 4}-u_{i, 3}\right)\right]=0\right. \tag{8.11c}
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