Consider a stylized economy with three financial instruments available: - A single piece of (subprime) mortgage; -
Consider a stylized economy with three financial instruments available:
- A single piece of (subprime) mortgage;
- Mortgage-backed security (MBS) of this single mortgage. The MBS tranching only contains a junior tranche and a senior one;
- A collateralized debt obligation (CDO) with the simplest junior-senior tranches, which is based on purchasing the senior tranche of the MBS.
The economy lives for two dates, \(t=0,1\) :
- In \(t=0\) the lender has to finance the mortgage which has a face value of \(W\). The mortgage is financed by securitization, and the senior tranche of the MBS is purchased by the CDO. The details are explained below;
- In \(t=1\) the mortgage needs to be refinanced-perhaps due to an unexpected increase in interest rate. If it is not refinanced,
it will default and the lender will be able to recover a value of \(R\). In this case, the lender incurs a loss \(L_{M}=W-R\). If it is refinanced, the renewed mortgage has a new value of \(M\). Obviously, the mortgage will not be refinanced if \(M
(a) Show that, for the senior tranche of MBS, the loss in \(t=1\) can be characterized by \(L_{S}=\left[L_{M}-N, 0\right]\) and the payoff in \(t=1\) is \(V_{S}=\min \left[W-N, W-L_{S}\right]\).
Note that the senior tranche of MBS is sold to a CDO, which also has two tranches, one junior and one senior. Suppose that the junior tranche in the CDO has a face value of \(N_{C}\) and the senior tranche has a face value of \(W-N-N_{C}\). The senior tranche stays intact if the loss to the CDO, or the senior tranche of MBS, is fully absorbed by the junior tranche of the CDO; otherwise the senior tranche has to take the remaining loss.
(b) Show that, for the senior tranche of CDO, the payoff in \(t=1\) is \(V_{C}=W-N-N_{C}-\max \left[\max \left(L_{M}-N, 0\right)-N_{C}, 0\right]\).
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