The Forest Service planned extensive timber cutting in a part of the Green Mountain National Forest but
The Forest Service planned extensive timber cutting in a part of the Green Mountain National Forest but did not prepare an environmental impact statement. A coalition of conservation organizations and environmentalists, believing that the action would have potential negative impact on black bears, whose habitat would be disturbed, and endanger the neotropical bird population, fi led a lawsuit to compel the Forest Service to prepare the EIS. The district court found that the Forest Service had failed to consider all relevant factors when determining the environmental signifi cance of its proposed action and was directed to prepare a site-specifi c EIS and enjoined from further timber harvesting and road building until completion of the EIS. Is it likely that the court will rule in favor of the coalition? [ National Audubon v. Hoffman, 917 F. Supp. 280 (D. Vt. 1995).]
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