The Acme Industries Safety Supervisor wants to determine the factors that predict employees passing the annual required
The Acme Industries Safety Supervisor wants to determine the factors that predict employees passing the annual required site safety competency training course.
Data set: Ch 13 – Exercise 10B.sav
Variable: Test_result
Definition: [Outcome] Did the employee pass the annual safety exam?
Type: Categorical
0 = Fail
Variable: Training_type
Definition: [Predictor] Training type
Type: Categorical
0 = Workbook [←REFERENCE]
1 = Online course
2 = Simulation lab
Variable: Years
Definition: [Predictor] Years of professional experience
Type: Continuous
Variable: Employment_hours
Definition: [Predictor] Part-time or full-time
Type: Categorical
0 = Part-time [←REFERENCE]
1 = Full-time
a. Write the hypotheses.
b. Run each criterion of the pretest checklist (sample size, normality, multicollinearity) and discuss your findings.
c. Run the logistic regression analysis and document your findings (odds ratios and Sig. [p value], hypotheses resolution).
d. Write an abstract under 200 words detailing a summary of the study, the logistic regression analysis results, hypothesis resolution, and implications of your findings.
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