Which description ad goes against which learning style? Honey and Mumford have developed a learning cycle where
Which description a–d goes against which learning style?
Honey and Mumford have developed a learning cycle where people learn from their experiences and plan the next step from this learning. They have also classified different learning styles:
Style: Description
a, b, c or d 1. Activist 2. Reflectors 3. Theorists 4. Pragmatists Descriptions:
a. They like to see how things work in practice. They enjoy experimenting with new ideas.
They are practical and down to earth, and like to solve problems; they appreciate the opportunity to try out what they have learned/are learning.
b. They see how things fit into an overall pattern. They are logical and objective ‘systems’
people who prefer a sequential approach to problems. They are analytical, pay great attention to detail and tend to be perfectionists.
c. They take direct action – are enthusiastic and like new challenges and experiences. They are less interested in the past or the broader context; they are mainly interested in the here and now. They like to have a go and try things out and participate – they like to be the centre of attraction.
d. They think things out in detail before taking action; they have a thoughtful approach, are good listeners and prefer to adopt a low profile. They are prepared to read and listen and welcome the opportunity to repeat a piece of learning.
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