Consider the choice between two options, such as two product brands. Let Uy denote the utility of


Consider the choice between two options, such as two product brands. Let Uy denote the utility of outcome y, for y = 0 and y = 1. Suppose Uy = ????y0 +

????y1x + ????y, using a scale such that ????y has some standardized distribution. A subject selects y = 1 if U1 > U0 for that subject.

a. If ????0 and ????1 are independent N(0, 1) random variables, show that P(y = 1)

satisfies the probit model.

b. If ????y are independent extreme-value random variables, with cdf F(????) =

exp[− exp(−????)], show that P(y = 1) satisfies the logistic regression model

(McFadden 1974).

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