This exercise is designed to examine power and influence in the classroom setting. Specifically, it allows you


This exercise is designed to examine power and influence in the classroom setting.

Specifically, it allows you to identify the combination of power bases used by your instructor in accomplishing his or her objectives for the course.

Procedure 1. Recall that the instructor’s power includes the following major bases:

(a) the authority that comes from the instructor’s position (position power),

(b) the knowledge, skill, and expertise of the instructor in the subject area (expert power), and

(c) the regard in which you personally hold the instructor (referent power).

2. Indicate the configuration of power that is most evident in the way the instructor behaves in the course overall and according to the following “power circle.” This circle can be filled in to represent the relative emphasis on the three power bases

(e.g., 60 percent position, 30 percent expert, and 10 percent referent). Use the grid at the right to draw/fill in the circle to show the profile of instructor’s power. The instructor will also complete a self-perceived power circle profile.image text in transcribed

3. Consider also some possible special situations in which the instructor would have to use his or her power in the classroom context. Draw one power circle for each of the following situations, showing for each the power profile most likely to be used by the instructor to accomplish his or her goal.
Instructor wants to change the format of the final examination.
Instructor wants to add an additional group assignment to course requirements.
Instructor wants to have students attend a special two-hour guest lecture on a Saturday morning.
Instructor wants students to come to class better prepared for discussions of assigned material.
The instructor will also complete a self-perceived power circle profile for each situation.
4. Share your power circles with those developed by members of your assigned group.
Discuss the profiles and the reasons behind them in the group. Appoint one group member as spokesperson to share results in general class discussion. Discuss with the group the best way to communicate this feedback effectively to the instructor in the presence of all class members, and help prepare the spokesperson for the feedback session.

5. Have the instructor share his or her power profiles with the class. Ask the instructor to comment on any differences between the self-perceptions and the views of the class.
Comment as a class on the potential significance to leaders and managers of differences in the way they perceive themselves and the ways they are perceived by others.
6. Discuss with the instructor and class how people may tend to favor one or more of the power bases (i.e., to develop a somewhat predictable power circle profile).
Discuss as well how effective leaders and managers need to use power contingently, and modify their use of different power bases and power circle profiles to best fit the needs of specific influence situations.

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