Exercise with known population Consider a linear model of the form y, = 100,000 + 100xI ,
Exercise with known population Consider a linear model of the form y, = 100,000 + 100xI , + 50xz, + E,. Also assume the error terms and independent variables are independently drawn from E,
- N(0;800Z), XIt - N(1,000;200Z), and xz, - N(500;150Z). A random sample of size 15 is !isted below.
a] Suppose you ignore the two independent variabies. What is your best statistieal estimate (using the above data) of the population mean from which variable y, is drawn? Given you know the underlying population, what are its exaet mean and varianee? Test the hypothesis that the true me an is 225,000.
b] Suppose you ignore the second independent variable. What is your best statistical estimate·of the slope and intereept of the underlying population? What is your estimate of the varianee of the population error term? How does this compare to the known varianee of the error term in this misspeeified regression? Test the hypothesis that the slope is 100.
el Now use both independent variables in your regression. Test the hypothesis that 81 is 100 and that 82 is 50. How does your best estimate of the varianee of the population error term compare with the known varianee of E,?
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