Interpersonal Skills: Does It Do Any Good to Express Anger? As accountants move higher within organizations, they
Interpersonal Skills: Does It Do Any Good to Express Anger? As accountants move higher within organizations, they usually assume supervisory responsibilities over certain employees. Occasion¬
ally, the performance of these employees will not be to the accountant’s satisfaction. Sometimes poor performance occurs when deadlines are tight and everyone is working substantial amounts of overtime — situations in which the likelihood of becoming upset and expressing anger is high.
Required 1 If a supervisor expresses anger, what probably is the intended effect on the employee?
2 What most likely will be the unintended effect on the working relationship?
3 What might be an alternative and better emotion for one to feel and possibly express when things go wrong?
4 What do you think studies have shown as to the long-term effect on individuals who continu¬
ally become angry when things go wrong?
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