Return to Super Slayer Exercise 6-1. (a) Assign dual variables to each main constraint of the formulation
Return to Super Slayer Exercise 6-1.
(a) Assign dual variables to each main constraint of the formulation in part (a), and define their meanings and units of measurement.
(b) Show and justify the appropriate variable-
type restrictions on all dual variables.
(c) Formulate and interpret the main dual constraint corresponding to each primal variable.
(d) Formulate and interpret an appropriate dual objective function.
(e) Use optimal solutions in Table 6.6 to verify that optimal primal and dual objective function values are equal.
(f) Formulate and interpret all primal complementary slackness conditions for the model.
(g) Formulate and interpret all dual complementary slackness conditions for the model.
(h) Verify that optimal primal and dual solutions in Table 6.6 satisfy the complementary slackness conditions of parts (f)
and (g).
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