A wave traveling in the z direction is described by the wave function (z, t) = A
A wave traveling in the z direction is described by the wave function Ψ(z, t) = A1 xsin (kz – ωt + ∅1) + A2 ysin (kz – ωt + ∅2), where x and y are vectors of unit length along the x and y axes, respectively. Because the amplitude is perpendicular to the propagation direction, Ψ(z, t) represents a transverse wave.
a. What requirements must A1 and A2 satisfy for a plane polarized wave in the x-z plane? The amplitude of a plane polarized wave is nonzero only in one plane.
b. What requirements must A1 and A2 satisfy for a plane polarized wave in the y-z plane?
c. What requirements must A1 and A2 and ∅1 and ∅2 satisfy for a plane polarized wave in a plane oriented at 450 to the x-z plane?
d. What requirements must A1 and A2 and ∅1 and ∅2 satisfy for a circularly polarized wave? The phases of the two components of a circularly polarized wave differ by π/2.
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