0 You could work with other staff in the agency to help them develop, implement and evaluate a program they are currently running (e.g. a community development activity or an activity for a particular target group they provide senvices ta). You will also help identify and manage any potential risks involwed in this program. 0 You could work with other staff in the agency to help them develop a new program the agency has identified it needs to run. You may not have the opportunity to help implement or evaluate the program, but you can provide evidence to show you know how this would be done. You will also help anticipate and manage any potential risks imvolved in this program You could work in consultation with other staff to plan the development of a community service program for the agency. This can be based on the research you completed for a previous Cluster you have completed in your course, or it could be a hypothetical program that your placement agency says it may be interested in running in the future. You may not have the opportunity to help implement or evaluate the program, but you can provide evidence to show you know how this would be done. You will also help anficipate and manage any potential risks imvolved in this program. Ll You will need to develop a written plan for this program and submit it to TAFE Digital as part of your written assignment which follows. So it makes sense to begin completing this now. See the example of a program plan provided in the written assignment, or you can use the format that is used in your work placement agency. Make sure it covers the essential areas outlined in the TAFE Digital example provided. To show evidence of your ability to complete these tasks, you need to submit the workplace Supenvisor's Statement provided at the end of this section. Please read this and provide your Workplace Supervisor with a copy before you begin the program