Calculating 401(k) Matching Contributions Companies dodide whether to instivte matching contributions. Ones fhat offer malching contributions do so for numerous reasons, including recruitment and rotention of the most qualfied contributes $2,000 to her 401(K). Then, the company's malching contribution equals $2,000. this case, the company deposits $5,000 : ( 5 percerit $100,000) because the plan specifies a 5 percent matching contribution madinum. Variable dollar match: The employor's contribution decreases as an employov's contrbution increases. For examplo an employer might deposi $1 lor every $1 on the first 3 percont of pary $100,000), The employer contributes a fotal of $4,500:[($1(3 porcent $100,000))+($0.50(3 porcent $100,000)}]. Now, let's calculate the employor's matching contrbutions for throe employeos, Amanda, Shiy and Onkar uaing ooch muthod. Amanda eans $34,300 annualy and does not contribute arything to the 401(k) plan Shipu eams $122,500 annualy and contrbutes 9 percent of pay to the 401(k) plan Onikar earns $66,400 annually and contributes 2 percent of pry. Under the fill match approach, the employer's contributon far (Round your answocs to the nearest hundrodtha place). a) Amanda: 50.00 b) Shlyus: $11,025,00 c) Onkar $1,728.00 Under the fixed dolar match approach (Fixed dollar match; 75 cents per each $1 employes contribution), the employer's contrisution for (Round your antwers to the nearest hundredths place.) a) Amanda: 1 b) Shivus 5 c) Onkar: Now, lets calailate the employers mutching contrbutiens for three employees, Amanda, Shiyu and Onkar using oach meehod. Amanda eams $34,300 annualy and doens not contribute aryering the 401(N) plan. Shiyu earns $122,500 annualy and contributes 9 percent of pay to the 401(X) plan. Onkar eams $86,400 annualy end contributes 2 percont of pay. Under the ful match approach, the employer's contribution for (Round your arawers to the nearest hundrecths place.) a) Amanda: 5 b) Shilyes c) Onkar: 5 Under the fred dolis match approach (Find dollar match: 75 cents per esch $1 enployee conitroution), the employpr's contr bution for (Round your answers to the nearest hundredths place.) a) Amanda: $ b) Shipes c) Onkar: The Total Dollar Contribution to esch employne's 401(N) acoount as follows: (Round your answers to the nearest hundredihe ploce.) d) Amanda: 5 o) shives nOnkar s