1. Calculating Margin (LO3, CFA4) Carson Corporation stock sells for $17 per share, and you've decided to purchase as many shares as you possibly can. You have $31,000 available to invest. What is the maximum number of shares you can buy if the initial margin is 60 percent? 2. Margin (LO3, CFA4) You purchase 275 shares of 2nd Chance Co. stock on margin at a price of $53. Your broker requires you to deposit $8,000. What is your margin loan amount? What is the initial margin requirement? 3. Margin Return (LO3, CFA4) In Problem 2, suppose you sell the stock at a price of $62. What is your return? What would your return have been had you purchased the stock without margin? What if the stock price is $46 when you sell the stock? 4. Margin Purchases (LO3, CFA4) You have $22,000 and decide to invest on margin. If the initial margin requirement is 55 percent, what is the maximum dollar purchase you can make? 5. Margin Calls (LO3, CFA4) You buy 500 shares of stock at a price of $38 and an initial margin of 60 percent. If the maintenance margin is 30 percent, at what price will you receive a margin call? 6. Margin Calls on Short Sales (L04, CFA5) You short sold 1.000 shares of stock at a price of $36 and an initial margin of 55 percent. If the maintenance margin is 35 percent, at what share price will you receive a margin call? What is your account equity at this stock price? 7. Taxes and Returns (LOI, CFA9) You purchased a stock at the end of the prior year at a price of $73. At the end of this year, the stock pays a dividend of $1.20 and you sell the stock for $78. What is your return for the year? Now suppose that dividends are taxed at 15 percent and long-term capital gains (over 11 months) are taxed at 30 percent. What is your after-tax return for the year? 8. Calculating Margin (LO3, CFA4) Using the information in Problem I, construct your equity account balance sheet at the time of your purchase. What does your balance sheet look like if the share price rises to $24? What if it falls to S14 per share? What is your margin in both cases? Round the number of shares down to the nearest number of whole shares