1. Case study on Money laundering A film of forensic accountants In the UK adopted an oppressive foreign expansion strategy In order to Increase Its market shore and prodtebilty especially In the Intemetonel market. Based on this new strategy, the firm established allances pacts with 8 number of smell to medium sized fast- growing law firms, prim ally with countries within Bastem Burope as we es other EU member States. These law fins are not part of any Intemetonel network of lawyers, but they shore the same willingness to expand their bus messes. The forensic accounting firm hes appointed & Compliance Officer with Imited anti-money gundering and compliance experience. The assistance to the Complance Officer Is 8 Junlor employs: without any experience complence The firm's acceptance policy operates on a risk polly's boss. The riskiness of clients is determined based on just two factors: * Whether the client is : PEP, (his criterion cerles most of the risk points). PEP's one Identified using a reputable web chuck pleform; And "What the client discloses as being his business acthity. All clients that are not PEPs ere usually classified as hormel risk clients. Work referred to the firm by the foreign lew firms is assessed es forme because the company has 8 pollcy of relying on their client due diligence (CDO) policies and procedures for its clientele because they are regulated firms and it considers the roomers is trusted 85sod etes. The firm's management requested from the compliance teem to ensure thet their work contributes towards the firm's strategic decision for growth and expansion In foreign markets. It now transpires that one of the accounting firm's latemotor al clients, referred to by a law firm In Eastern Europe, Is on