1. Create the Dormitory table described below enforcing all constraints Add the following three rows to Dormitory 2. Add the following column to the STUDENT table. In the context of this example, what would it mean if you did not allow DormID to contain nulls in the STUDENT table? 3. Update the record for the student with an id of JO100 and place him/her in Residence Hall. 4. Write the SQL statement that will list the names of all students who have a faculty advisor with an id of 1. List the names in the following format: the first name, one space, the middle initial, a period, a space, the last name (eg. John B. Smith). 5. Write the SQL statement that will list the full name of each student along with the full name of his/her faculty advisor. List the names with the format used in the question above. 6. Write the SQL statement that will list each building (BLDG_CODE) along with the total number of rooms, the average capacity per room, and the total capacity in each building. (Look up and use the DECODE function and change CR to Cedar Ridge, BUS to Business, and LIB to Library in the query). 7. Write an SQL query that will list the students names along with their current age as of the day you run the query. The age must be in terms of an integer - someone may be 21 years old, not 21.73 years old. 8. Write an SQL query that will list the following information for all students and all the courses the students have taken or are taking: S_id, s_first, s_last, s_class, term_desc, course name, credits, grade. In the context of this example, how should you interpret a grade of null? 9. Write an SQL view that will list each faculty member by name, his/her rank, his/her phone number, and the building and room number of his/her office. Call the view FACDIRECTORY. 10. Write the SQL statements giving the following permissions to user garman. (I already have dba authority, thus I have these permission already. You really aren't granting me any new authority). THIS MAY NOT WORK IN APEX BUT SUBMIT THE STATEMENT ANYHOW. Read only privilege on your STUDENT table. Insert privilege on your LOCATION table. UPDATE privilege on your FACULTY tables F RANK column only. Permission to add a column to your COURSE table