1. Create two different scatter plots. - Graph 1: Height and Shoe length - Graph 2: Height and Stride Length 2. Describe the relationship between the variables in Graph 1 and Graph 2 in the contest of the problem- direction, strength. 3. For each of the graphs: a) State the correlation coefficient. Is there a significant correlation between the variable height and shoe length and height and stride length? (Why? Compare r with the critical r value). b) If there appears to be a correlation, describe the correlation (direction, strength). Does it confirm your observations in (2) c) What percentage of the variation in shoe length can be explained by the linear relation to the height? What percentage of the variation in stride length can be explained by the linear relation to the height? 4. Answer all of the following questions: a) Based on your analysis in step 3, do you think it is possible to infer a person's shoe length from their height? Explain your answer. b) What is the regression equation connecting the variables in Graph 1- height and shoe length? What is the regression equation connecting the variables in Graph 2 - height and stride length? c) Suppose you measure the height of a person and then predict that the person has a shoe length of 13.5 inches. You later find out that the person's shoe length is actually only 12.5 inches. Give one possible reason that your prediction was incorrect. d) What is the slope of the regression equation between the height and the shoe length? What does the slope of the regression equation represent in this problem?Pull II:- Objective: Analyze the relationships between shoe size, stride length, and height, and then use that information to identify the likely killer. Case File: The body of famous pop music producer Jonathan Wallace was found in his bathtub. It is our hypothesis that an intruder surprised the victim and drowned him. The only clue at the crime scene was a set of muddy footprints leading from a nearby window to the bathroom and back again. The footprints were smeared, so their exact size could not be determined. The soles of the shoes had no pattern. It will be difficult to match the footprints to any particular pair of shoes. Three suspects were questioned immediately following the murder: Penelope Paige, pop star: 5'4\"/green eyes/blond hair Possible motive: She is suing Wallace over the failure of her last album. Rex Chapman, rock guitarist: 5'8\"/br0wn eyes/brown hair Possible motive: He accused Wallace of stealing profits from his hit single \"Walk It Off.\" Dirty Dawg, rapper: 6'0\"/br0wn eyes/black hair Possible motive: He wants out of a record contract with Wallace