1. From this information, prepare a bank reconciliation for the Weils family as of October 5,2020 , using a form ike the one in Worksheet 4.1. Enter all answers as positive values. Leave no cell blank, enter " 0 " wherever required. Round the answers to the nearest cent, Enter your answers in the given order of Check 2. Deduct total checks/withdrawals still outstanding from bank balance Add up deposits not shown on bank statement: 2. Given your answer to Question 1, determine what, If ary, adjustinent wal the Wefls family need to make in their checkbook ledger. Enter the answers as positive value, Round the answer to the nearest cent. \$. 3. If the Welis family earned interest on their ide bolances because the account is a money market deposit account, whot impoct would this have on the reconcilation process? The erfect of the interest earnings would have been a(n) in both bank and checkbook bolances. Explain. The input in the bax below will not be oraded, but moy be reviewed and considered by your instructor. Vivion and Rowen Weils are college students who opened their first joint chockang occount ot the American Bank an September 14,2020. They've just recelved their first bank statement for the period ending october 5, 2020. The statement and checkbolk fedger are shown in the table betow. 2. Deduct total checks/withdrawals stilf eutstanding from bank bstance Add up deposits not shown on bank stetement: 2. Given your answer to Question 1, determine what, if any, adjustment wil the Wels family reed to make in their checkbook ledger. Enter the answers as postive value. Round the answer to the nearest cent. 5 3. If the Welis family earned interest on their ide belances becsuse the account is a money market deposit account, what impact would this heve on the