1. Go to the Investor Relations website for Appleb 2. Scroll down to Annual Reports on Form 10K 3. Select and review the 202010K 1. Go to the investor Relations website [ for Microsofte Reforences Apple if (n d) Imeostor rolabots behp Wriventor apole com corcasey Avegrment Checklst 1 Whut frpes of rock da Appte and Marceot havit ard stust is the ghe vaba? 4. What diviends furee Agghie or Mcrosolt pad on the nout cueworl year? What data about cash and cash equivalents are shown in the consolidated balance sheet? Apple: Cash and cash equavalents are repoited at $191,830 million for 2020 and $206,898 million for 2019 Microsoft Cash and cash cquivalents are reported at $136,527 million for 2020 and $133,819 million for 2019 What were the total current assets and total current liabilities at September 28, 2013? Apple. Total cuirtent assets at September 28, 2020, $143,713 milion, totsl curtent labelios at Soptomber 28,2020,$105,392mhlion Micioson: Total cartent assets at June 30, 2020, \$181,915 milion, total curtert kabilties at June 30,2020,$72,310 milion. Your lnput: What type of stock do Apple and Microsoft have and what is the par value Apple has common stock Microvot has commen stock What CPA firm performed the audit of the Apple and Microsoft finaneial statements? Einst \& Young LUP was the CPA firm that audsod Apple's financial stalements Deloitte \& Touchs L.P was the CPA firm that audited Microsolts financal statements What was the amount of Apple's earnings per share in 2020 ? What was the amount of Microsofrs eamings per ahare in 2020 ? Apple's basic eainings per share was $3.31, and its didted eaenings per share was 53.28 Microsoft's basic eamings pes share was 55.82 , and its diluted earnings per shace was $6.76 What amount, if amy, did Apple and Microsoft declare in dividends on common stock in the year ended September 28,2020 and June 30, 2020 respectively? According to the Consolidaled Statements of Shareholders' Equty. Aqple dedared 514,037 in divdends and divend equivalent ifwestinent in Appler or Miciosolt is a good idea Provide supportng documentation as neoded Ensure that you have used correct spedra grammar, pur Genter resourcos on APA Zth edtion sityle and fortsating. Access the Whiting Contor from the Academic Success Centor found in the Academic. Tooks are rourse 1. Go to the Investor Relations website for Appleb 2. Scroll down to Annual Reports on Form 10K 3. Select and review the 202010K 1. Go to the investor Relations website [ for Microsofte Reforences Apple if (n d) Imeostor rolabots behp Wriventor apole com corcasey Avegrment Checklst 1 Whut frpes of rock da Appte and Marceot havit ard stust is the ghe vaba? 4. What diviends furee Agghie or Mcrosolt pad on the nout cueworl year? What data about cash and cash equivalents are shown in the consolidated balance sheet? Apple: Cash and cash equavalents are repoited at $191,830 million for 2020 and $206,898 million for 2019 Microsoft Cash and cash cquivalents are reported at $136,527 million for 2020 and $133,819 million for 2019 What were the total current assets and total current liabilities at September 28, 2013? Apple. Total cuirtent assets at September 28, 2020, $143,713 milion, totsl curtent labelios at Soptomber 28,2020,$105,392mhlion Micioson: Total cartent assets at June 30, 2020, \$181,915 milion, total curtert kabilties at June 30,2020,$72,310 milion. Your lnput: What type of stock do Apple and Microsoft have and what is the par value Apple has common stock Microvot has commen stock What CPA firm performed the audit of the Apple and Microsoft finaneial statements? Einst \& Young LUP was the CPA firm that audsod Apple's financial stalements Deloitte \& Touchs L.P was the CPA firm that audited Microsolts financal statements What was the amount of Apple's earnings per share in 2020 ? What was the amount of Microsofrs eamings per ahare in 2020 ? Apple's basic eainings per share was $3.31, and its didted eaenings per share was 53.28 Microsoft's basic eamings pes share was 55.82 , and its diluted earnings per shace was $6.76 What amount, if amy, did Apple and Microsoft declare in dividends on common stock in the year ended September 28,2020 and June 30, 2020 respectively? According to the Consolidaled Statements of Shareholders' Equty. Aqple dedared 514,037 in divdends and divend equivalent ifwestinent in Appler or Miciosolt is a good idea Provide supportng documentation as neoded Ensure that you have used correct spedra grammar, pur Genter resourcos on APA Zth edtion sityle and fortsating. Access the Whiting Contor from the Academic Success Centor found in the Academic. Tooks are rourse