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1) If a preferred stock pays 3% dividend rate on its par value of $100, and your required rate of return is 10%, what is

1) If a preferred stock pays 3% dividend rate on its par value of $100, and your required rate of return is 10%, what is the stock worth to you today?

2) What is the value of a share of ABC Inc. if they expect to pay a $5 dividend next year and the dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 3.5%. Assume the investor's required rate of return is 9%.

3) Calculate the expected rate of return for a stock selling for $50 that just recently paid a $6 dividend and is expected to increase the dividend each year at a growth rate of 3%. Use at least 3 decimals in your answer.

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Here are the answers to the questions 1 If a preferred stock pays 3 dividend rate on its par value of 100 and your required rate of return is 10 what ... blur-text-image
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