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1. Show a reasonable comprehension of conservative application improvement and use of direction programming instruments and progress conditions considering a prerequisites report. 2. Make sense

1. Show a reasonable comprehension of conservative application improvement and use of direction programming instruments and progress conditions considering a prerequisites report. 2. Make sense of completely how for give minimization over a wide degree of contraptions. 4. Follow the Android versatile application progress cycle. Versatile Application 3. Produce working android application. 4. Follow the Android versatile application progress cycle. 5. Test and backing the comfort of an adaptable application. If nobody truly minds, note, that these fields are required and should be in your development. You ought to add more fields to get full etching. 5. Fittingly working Android Navigation Drawer. (5 etchings) 6. The application ought to have intuitive GUI with parts other than EditText on the page (checkboxes, date pickers, asset pictures, and so on) (5 etchings) 7. The application ought to consume and show some JSON information from a web API. (5 etchings)

8. Client support is accessible and fittingly working. Input support ought not be restricted to the course of action property definitions. The result of your work will be a quick overview of orders that normal more than 30 days to transport. The specialists will should survey the records and report the wellspring of the deferral for every requesting. The CEO feels there might be issues with one of the transportation affiliations, and would like information to back that up.This is completely performed infinitesimally and the worth stacked from the area is returned as seen. (a) Write pseudo-code for a key turn lock utilizing CAS. [4 marks] (b) Why could this whenever perform ineptly on a huge multi-processor framework? [2 marks] Consider a freely related outline of QNode objects, each with a boolean field respect and a reference close to its replacement (holding invalid at the tail of the line). A commonplace district l implies the tail place point (or is invalid in the event that the line is vacant). (c) Define the folowing simultaneous endeavors utilizing CAS://Append another middle guide q toward the tail of the outline, returning//the past tail QNode pushTail (QNode q);//Remove q, which probably been at the most elevated place of the outline,//returning the new head QNode popHead (QNode q); [Hint: note that popHead possibly needs to empower memory when the line becomes empty.] [8 marks] (d) Define a line set up twist lock based with respect to these activities. [6 marks] 5 [TURN OVER CST.2003.9.6 6 Advanced Graphics (a) (I) Derive the quadratic uniform B-spline premise work, N1,3(t), for the pack vector [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. [6 marks] (ii) Explain how Ni,3(t) is related with N1,3(t), I {2, 3, 4, 5}. [2 marks] (b) The going with picture shows a ton of five control places and the B-spline wind conveyed by the control habitats and the pack vector [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2] with k = 4 (a cubic B-spline). (I) Draw a close to frame, utilizing an equivalent five control places, for the pack vector from portion (a), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], portraying a quadratic B-spline (k = 3). [3 marks] (ii) Draw another outline, with a relative control communities, for the pack vector [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7], portraying a quadratic B-spline (k = 3). [3 marks] (iii) What is the congruity of the bend at t = 4 in every one of the cases in parts (b)(i) and (b)(ii)? [2 marks] (c) Show how the going with article can be made utilizing Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG). You could recognize the going with local people: circle, chamber, cone, torus, box. [You ought to depict which local people are required and the way that they are joined right now you shouldn't choose unequivocally every one of the restrictions of the primitives.] [4 marks] 6 CST.2003.9.7 7 Optimizing Compilers (a) Summarize rapidly the rules of earnestness evaluation, including portrayals of: (I) the space of values utilized for assessment time portrayal of a k-debate, 1-result work in the source language; (ii) how an essential cutoff is given a speculative significance; (iii) how a recursive client depicted work is given a speculative significance (it is satisfactory to do this part as a visual show); (iv) the machine-level advantage of the associated update. [8 marks] (b) An issue managable to relative treatment is that of departure appraisal. Here we have a call-by-respect language with cons and the solicitation to be addressed is "whether a worth containing a cons-focus point passed as debate as far as possible might be returned ('escape') as a piece of the cutoff's outcome". 7 [TURN OVER CST.2003.9.8 8 Artificial Intelligence II (a) Explain what the terms ontological commitment and epistemological commitment mean concerning a language for information portrayal and thinking. What are the ontological and epistemological commitments made by propositional thinking and by first sales thinking? [4 marks] (b) You wish to cultivate a mechanical pet feline for the reasons behind redirection. One legitimization for the feline is to scratch tremendous things when the proprietor is absent. Give a short sweeping depiction of circumstance math and portray how it very well may be utilized for information portrayal by the robot. Remember for your response one model all of an edge saying, an impact precept, and a replacement state expressing, nearby model ramifications of reasonable predicates and cutoff points. [12 marks] (c) Give a short portrayal of the illustrative edge issue, the inferential bundling issue, the limit issue, and the repercussion issue. [4 marks]

9 Database Theory Assume an educational file with one affiliation parent including matches (a, b) where a can't try not to be a parent of b. (a) Write a Datalog demand which gives the blueprint of matches (x, y) such a lot of that x and y have a typical trailblazer z and are relative number of ages from z. [4 marks] (b) Write a request in Datalog with described invalidation which gives the arrangement of matches (x, y) such a lot of that x and y have an ordinary progenitor yet not one from which they are relative number of ages far off. You could utilize the program you portrayed for fragment (a). [5 marks] (c) Prove that the request depicted somewhat (b) above can't be granted in Datalog without negation. [7 marks]

(d) For all of requests in parts (a) and (b), offer a bound on the running opportunity to overview the request on an enlightening record with n portions. [4 marks] 8 CST.2003.9.9 10 Types (a) Describe the affiliation = of beta-change between terms of the polymorphic lambda math (PLC). How might one pick whether two typeable PLC terms are in this affiliation? For what reason does the choice methodology fall flat for untypeable terms? [8 marks] (b) Let be the polymorphic sort 1((2(2 1)) 1). Show that there is a shut PLC term I with the going with two properties. (I) I has type ( ). (ii) If M1 and M2 are any shut PLC terms of a similar kind, express, and if (I M1) = (I M2), M1 = M2. [Hint: for property (ii), consider the beta-typical sorts of I M1 x and I M2 x, where is a sort variable and x is a variable.] [12 marks] 11 Numerical Analysis II (a) Explain the term positive semi-unquestionable matrix. [1 mark]

(I) Choose (and state plainly) a sensible strategy of dynamic qualities and contemplations of capacities to formalize the issue of flight evaluation for an immediate first-request language with whole numbers and major whole number records (yet not blueprints of records). Comparatively give fascinating understandings of if else, +, cons, hd and tl. [Hint: to deal with this framework without utilizing static sorts, you could best expect that nothing is treated as 0, and that any big-hearted mistake (coherently saw, for example, cons(1,nil)+3, tl(3) and even (in light of the 'nolists-of-records' standard) cons(cons(1,nil),nil) gives result 0.] [8 marks] (ii) Give without affirmation dynamic repercussions (coming to fruition because of your approach) of the going with limits: f(x,y,z) = cons(hd(tl(x)), if hd(x) y else tl(z)) g(x,y) = if x=0, 0 else cons(hd x, g(tl x, y)) h(x,y) = if x=0, x else cons(hd x, h(tl x, y)) k(x,y) = if x=0, y else cons(hd x, k(tl x, y)) [4 marks]

Portray a mental points of view compromise that could happen in this elective plan. [4 marks] Screen A LIGHTS ON LIGHTS Menu PROJECTOR Menu AUDIO Menu START Page MUSIC Vol.+ MUSIC Vol.- MUSIC Mute MUSIC Un-Mute SYSTEM SHUTDOWN The "Catalyst" keys around this screen have the going with FIXED FUNCTIONS, dependably Touch Screen to Continue Screen B Return to Main MENU Please Select a System Preset From The List Below System PRESET 1 East VGA Input to Both Projectors System PRESET 2 East VGA Input to West projector East VIDEO to East projector System PRESET 3 West VGA Input to Both Projectors System PRESET 4 West VGA Input to West projecto West VIDEO to East projector System PRESET 5 Both projectors OFF for a none video, or OHP type show Return to Main MENU Lighting Controls Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4 Scene 5 ALL OFF Spots ON Spots OFF Return to Main MENU Audio Controls Microphones PGM Sound MIC UP MUTE Un-MUTE MIC DN PGM UP MUTE Un-MUTE PGM DN 2 CST.2003.9.3 2 VLSI Design Explain the development of wave skirt in a twofold snake. [4 marks]With the going with code below...I need assistance with the going with demands. Written in the programming language java with remarks sorting out the code strategies and importance.

aery utilizing Query Design. From the Customers table, coordinate the fields CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, and Phone. From the Orders table, coordinate the fields OrderID, OrderDate, and ShippedDate. b.Run the request and look at the records. Save the solicitation as Shipping Efficiency. c.Add a concluded field named DaysToShip to determine how much days taken to manage every requesting. (Here is a snippet of data: The verbalization will coordinate the OrderDate and the ShippedDate; the outcomes won't contain negative numbers.) d.Run the solicitation and analyze the outcomes. Does the information in the DaysToShip manage look unequivocal? Save the solicitation. e.Add rules to limit the request results to solidify basically requests that vital more than 30 days to deliver. f.Add the Quantity field from the Order Details table and the ProductName field from the Products table to the request. Sort the request by climbing OrderID. Right when the experts contact these clients, these two fields will give critical data about the orders. g.Add the etching Days to Ship to the DaysToShip field. Change to Datasheet view to see the outcomes. Change segment widths as necessary. h.Save and close the request. Request Summary Query

The CEO is considering the monetary effect of limits. She referenced a request showing the agent name, number of sales they have taken, and the full scale markdown absolute they have given clients. She needs to check whether there is a relationship between's the markdown offered and how much plans.

a.uery utilizing Query Design and add the Orders, Order Details, Products, and Customers tables. Add the fields OrderID and OrderDate from the Orders table. Set the two fields' Total portion to Group By. b.Add a chose field in the third section. Name the field ExtendedAmount. This field ought to grow the aggregate referenced (from the Order Details table) by the unit cost for that thing (from the Products table). This will figure out the absolute total for every sales. Plan the chose field as Currency and change the inscription to Total Dollars. Change the Total line to Sum. c.Add a chose field in the fourth portion. Name the field DiscountAmount. The field ought to fabricate the aggregate referenced, the unit cost for that thing, and the markdown field (from the Customers table). This will enroll the rigid rebate for every sales. Plan the chose field as Currency and add a subtitle of Discount Amt. Change the Total line to Sum. d.Run the solicitation. Look at the outcomes. Most clients ought to have a rebate of 10% of the immovable dollars, yet two or three clients will have no markdown. Save the request as Order Summary. Get back to Design view. e.Add measures to the OrderDate field so orders made between 1/1/2016 and 12/31/2016 are shown. Change the Total line to Where. This articulation will show basically requests that were put in 2016. f.Run the request and view the outcomes. Change region widths as required. Save and close the solicitation. Request Financing Query

The CEO would like the agents to investigate supporting with clients. To do in this manner, she would like you to a solicitation showing the effect on cost for before requests. Consequently, the reps can give clients an evaluation with a sales they have as of late arranged. For the occasion, she is considering a 5% credit cost, paid more than a year. She would like you to leave the outcomes as shocking numbers.After every sales, the stack of the picked thing will be decreased by the aggregate in the requesting. At this level, you don't have to oversee goofs when the aggregate in the sales is more prominent than the stock aggregate. viii. The complete expense of a requesting can be shown as an arranged message as under (for existing clients, new clients who are customary clients, or clients with common help):

Task This is a singular portfolio and includes two sections: report and an adaptable application improvement. You will should make a "retail location" (POS) application for a shop. Empathetically note that you shouldn't support an interminably out POS application. You essentially have to develop a support to add/change/kill and see things (CRUD tasks).

Report In the report, you should examine the fundamental considerations of the proposed adaptable application. 1. Necessities list. Produce a necessities list including each of the judicious and non-utilitarian fundamentals for your flexible application. Ensure that your necessities are all feasible, on the grounds that it is your obligation to meet these fundamentals in your thing.

2. UML Activity Diagram.Develop an UML Activity Diagram for your versatile application. Your diagram ought to show the exercises/processes for the entire application. 3. Prototyping . Plan the UI (User Interface) models for your versatile application. Try not to submit screen gets of your application (if not, you will lose 10 inscriptions). 4. Versatile Application Development Cycle. Investigate how you have followed Android advantageous application improvement cycle. Thoughtful, obviously display what you have made at every time of the progress cycle. Take the necessary steps not to give depiction of each stage; don't make heads or tails of what each stage is. No etchings will be yielded for portraying MADC stages. 5. Application Portability . Take a gander at how you would give adaptability to your flexible application over a wide degree of Android contraptions (Watch, TV, Car, Tablet, and so forth.). Give, express and practical plans and take the necessary steps not to be general. Take the necessary steps not to discuss cross assortment applications like PhoneGap, Ionic, and so forth. Discuss comfort that is open in Android SDK that empowers contraption conveyability. For instance utilizing dp's rather than pixels, and so on. 6. Design and Hardware Requirements. The part is given to any suppositions that ought to be alluded to utilize the program you made. It is your obligation to see all the framework and gadget necessities (GPS, camera, consent to the telephone vault) that a client needs to send off your application effectively.

7. Black box testing . Produce revelation testing of your versatile application and present inevitable results of your tests. Inspect results of your tests and give a short design. To introduce your tests and exploratory outcomes you could utilize the association under:

Energize a functioning minimized application in Android stage (Java language) taking into account the necessities, charts and models that you gave in your report. The application ought to follow the gadget and design basics that you alluded to in your report. Similarly, the result ought to be a functioning application that meets the necessities under: 1. The base API level should be set to 24. 2. The objective API level should be set to 28 or higher. 3. Should show appropriately on a screen with a 1080x1920 goal. 4. Shouldn't pound in the event that the contraption doesn't have several highlights that your application relies on. For instance, no locale or web association. 5. Your APK record should be checked and work on any Android contraption or emulator with an API level higher than 24. On the off chance that it doesn't work or pounds eventually, you will get most imperative piece of the allotted inscriptions, expecting your code is right and watchful.

Adaptable application fundamentals: 1. The application ought to be working with no misunderstandings when gone through APK chronicle (10 etchings) 2. Show once-over of things in a ListView with a particularly make/design and custom connector. Really try not to obtain from ArrayAdapter. (10 inscriptions) 3. The application ought to have a nearby information base (SQLite) with test information (5 inscriptions) 4. The application ought to have CRUD (Create, Remove, Update, Details) tasks that structure into the neighborhood enlightening record. (10 means) Your information input structure MUST have the going with fields regardless, are approached to add more fields: Thing name Class affirmation (drop-down of predefined values) Date when it was made/added Extra notes.

Add custom business thinking support in your Java code. (5 etchings)

confidential static void newFileReaderAndWriter(String fileNamePath) tosses IOException { // introducing the br variable // introducing the bw variable

attempt (BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(mergeFilePath, significant)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileNamePath))) { // making of the BufferWriter object // set expansion to significant with the new filewriter record // making of the BufferReader object // the fileNamePath with the filereader object

// making another component with the worth of an unfilled string String line; // utilizing the while circle to explore the substance from the document, truly while ((line = br.readLine()) != invalid) { bw.write(line + " "); } // get handle outstanding case } get (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();//print the outstanding case subtleties } // the at long last block generally executes }

/** * This framework is examining the substance of the blended text report and a brief time frame later looking for the articulations */ secret static void searchKeywords() tosses IOException { // introducing the br variable BufferedReader br = invalid; // utilizing the undertaking/get procedure to deal with the phenomenal cases try { // making another element with the worth of an unfilled string String content; // advancement of the BufferReader object br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(mergeFilePath)); // utilizing the while circle to examine the substance from the report, truly while ((content = br.readLine()) != invalid) { // passing each line of the looked through lively keywordsSearch(content); } } get (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } at long last {//the at long last block overall executes if(br != invalid) { try { br.close(); } get (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }

/** 9. Secluding for the ListView. (5 etchings)With the going with code below...I need assistance with the going with demands. Written in the programming language java with remarks sorting out the code strategies and importance.

import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject;

import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern;


* * The motivation driving this endeavor is to blend different single reports into a solitary record. Then, inside * the merged record, look for the gave articulations and print out its close_date and * funds_raised_percent. */ public class MyFileMerger {

// constants static last String mergeFilePath = "mergedFile.json"; static last String filePath1 = "file1.json"; static last String filePath2 = "file2.json"; static last String filePath3 = "file3.json";

public static void main(String[] args) tosses IOException {

// examining from the three given records and keeping in touch with them into the hardened report newFileReaderAndWriter(filePath1); newFileReaderAndWriter(filePath2); newFileReaderAndWriter(filePath3); // looking for the gave watchwords in the united record searchKeywords(); }

/** * This system is examining the substance from different and making the substance to the record that necessities * to be blended * @param fileNamePath watches out for the significant framework to investigate the record from */ confidential static void newFileReaderAndWriter(String fileNamePath) tosses IOException { // introducing the br variable // introducing the bw variable

attempt (BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(mergeFilePath, significant)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileNamePath))) { // making of the BufferWriter object // set expansion to significant with the new filewriter record // making of the BufferReader object // the fileNamePath with the filereader object

// making another component with the worth of an unfilled string String line; // utilizing the while circle to explore the substance from the document, truly while ((line = br.readLine()) != invalid) { bw.write(line + " "); } // get handle outstanding case } get (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();//print the outstanding case subtleties } // the at long last block generally executes }

/** * This framework is examining the substance of the blended text report and a brief time frame later looking for the articulations */ secret static void searchKeywords() tosses IOException { // introducing the br variable BufferedReader br = invalid; // utilizing the undertaking/get procedure to deal with the phenomenal cases try { // making another element with the worth of an unfilled string String content; // advancement of the BufferReader object br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(mergeFilePath)); // utilizing the while circle to examine the substance from the report, truly while ((content = br.readLine()) != invalid) { // passing each line of the looked through lively keywordsSearch(content); } } get (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } at long last {//the at long last block overall executes if(br != invalid) { try { br.close(); } get (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }

/** * This technique is being utilized to look for the watchwords in each line utilizing the regex framework * @param line keeps an eye on the given watchwords that should be through looked through in each line */ secret static void keywordsSearch (String line) { // list object List articulations = new ArrayList<>();

// add the articulations to the quick overview // then gather the watchwords to make setup utilizing organize() framework keywords.add(Pattern.compile("robots")); keywords.add(Pattern.compile("fitness")); keywords.add(Pattern.compile("wearable"));

// utilizing the for circle to check whether the watchwords match for(Pattern p: watchwords) { // get a matcher object Matcher m = p.matcher(line); // utilizing the .track down philosophy to look for the particular model if (m.find()) { stringToJsonObj(line); } }


/** * This methodology will switch string over absolutely to json * * @param line keeps an eye on the watchwords that match past technique **/

secret static void stringToJsonObj(String line) { try { // making of a new json object JSONObject js = new JSONObject(line); JSONObject information = js.getJSONObject("data"); twofold funds_raised_percent = data.getDouble("funds_raised_percent"); // print out funds_raised_percent System.out.println("funds_raised_percent: " + funds_raised_percent); // utilized optString as opposed to getSting considering the way that I wasn't certain about whether the information was absent String close_date = data.optString("close_date"); // print out close_date System.out.println("close_date: " + close_date); } get (JSONException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }

I besides gave a picture of the JSON report. So if both of the articulations from the code is available in the presentation, then it ought to print the class, close_date, funds_raised_percent, and the tag_line

1. A solitary Java program on Constructor execution established order of things

2. A solitary Java program for String cushion class that covers constructors, length(), limit(), guarantee Capacity(), set Length(), charAt(), setCharAt(), getChars(), add(), embed(), change(), destroy(), deleteCharAt(), uproot().

3. A consistent Java program on Abstract class

4. A constant Java program utilizing last java program.

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