1. The accepted norms of behavior within an organization that bet as guidelines for the way members of the organization are expected to behave towards both interaal 2. The costs resalting from managers misusing their position, 0 w we monitoring and disciplining them to prevent abuse is called... 3. A well-prepared statement of facts and relessed to the media for possible publication or broadeast is called ... pres 5 ...... Lfest....... 4. According to Ravasi and Schultz (2006), org ....ultwre............. is a set of shared mental assumptions that guide interpretation and action in organizations by defining appropriate behavior for various situations. 5. A comprehensive set of policies, practices and programs that are integrated throughout business operations, and decision-making processes that are supported and rewarded by top management is referred to as .... 6. The principles and standards that determine an aceptable conduct in business organizations is called 7. Unlike venture capital firms which specialize in early stage financing of hightechnology firms in biotech and IT. buying mature firms, restructuring them and selling them again after some years. 8. A set of rights and obligations which can vary from a firm to another concerning assets is called. 9. According to Ostrom. (2000) the behavioural rules founded on a shared understanding about what actions are obligatory, permitted or forbidden is referred to as 10. Criminal method of management, Manufacture of unwholesome products, Wrongful award of contracts, Illegal Business Practices and Sex for business opportunities are forms of .. practices 11. A formal statement of the company's values concerning ethics and social issues; i communicates to employees what the company stands for is referred to as is writien to disiabuse the minds of the to bet the records straight and to correct a misconception. 13. A special meeting with the press during which reporters ask questions and where there is a significant news to be announced is referred to as... 14. Pcanche \&. Doh - The actions of a company to benefit society beyond the requirements of the law and the direct interests of stakeholders" is called 15. When we are in a position to influence decisions or other outcomes on behalf of one party when such decisions or outeomes could affect one or more other parties with which we have competing loyalties, we say is likely to occur 16. A deeply held ideas of what are valuable and very important about what is wrong or right in the organization is referred to as 17. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a set of relationships between a company's management, its board, its shareholders and other stakeholders is referred to as 18. Unless prohibited by the company's regulations, a director who is going to be absent from Ghana or who is unable to act for any reason may appoint either another director or any other person as an for a period not exceeding six (6) months. 19. A comprehensive set of rules or guidelines for moral behavior; rules of conduct recognized as appropriate, the values or behaviors expected and those that will not be tolerated, is referred to as.. 20. The standards for thoughts, words, and deed that constraints a person to do what is right and good as against what is easy and comfortable and self-serving is referred