1. Tocal PO w Aercentage of Returns by Supolier - This is a dual axis chart showing the purchase order by supplier as a bar chart ind the percentage of returns per wopplier as a line chart whplier as a bur chart and the impice discrepancy per supplier as a line chart. The delivery time is calculated as the number of dim between the poods receined date and the purchase order date, An involice discrepancy is when the invoice total is veater than the purchose order total. 2. Insice Fit al Frend in 2021 - This is a sached area chart showing the inwoice totals by supplier for each month. conpured ti the count of punchase orden. The results show the purchave orders that potentially have split onders committed A potential iplit order is determined if there are two more purchase orders submitted by the same buyer within the sume weti and the purchase orders total more than \$100,000. Hint: Use the WEEK function in Tableavand WEEKNUM bued on the fotal PO is Aercentoge of Returns by Supplier visualization, what observations can be made? There are a small number of suppliers with a purchase order total of over $12 million. The percentage of returns are hider for mopliers with lower purchase order totals. The mulority of suppliers have a purchase order total of under $5 million. The percentage of returns are highter for mpeliers with higher purchase order totals. The majority of suppliers have a purchase order total of over $5 million. The percentage of returns are lower for wpplicos with lower purchase order totak. The majority of suppliens huve a purchase order totat of over $12 million. The percentage of returns are higher for wepliens with lower purchase order totals. e-Procurement Metrics Dashboard 2. Average Delivery Time vs Imvoice Discrepancy % by Supplier 4. Actual Hours By Backlog and issue